Deadline To Get Cast Vote Records Is Fast Approaching: THIS SATURDAY
Written by johncleer
AUGUST 31, 2022 AT 2:42 PM
The 22-month requirement for states and counties to protect their election records will expire on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER THIRD. When the 22 months have passed, corrupt officials will begin DELETING THE 2020 RECORDS.
You can request them in person with your county clerk, and if necessary, demand them. If they say no, the record of them saying no will also be important. 2 Minute video on that is here:
Instructions and forms can be found here:
>The Cast Vote Records are the clearest indicators of whether or not there is machine-based election fraud. On September 3, 2022, federal protections for these records under Title 52 Section 20701 comes to an end allowing the legal destruction of these records. Don’t let these records disappear from the public conscience. Please review or download the Cast Vote Records e-book.
>To see what county Cast Vote Records we have already received, please go to the master Cast Vote Record repository at https://ordros.com/cvr and select your state. If the county is listed there, we already have a 2020 Cast Vote Record.
>Cause of America facilitates and supports citizen grassroots action to restore trust in local elections and we are so thankful to be working alongside them with Mike Lindell and his efforts to expose voter fraud and corruption.
>Once you receive the reports, please email them to castvoterecords@FrankSpeech.com
[detailed instruction and forms follow]
Lots of fraud gets captured on the Cast Vote Records (“CVR’s”) because they keep timestamps on when the ballot image was created (by scanning the ballot) and what time(s) it was modified. If the times don’t line up chronologically, or the modification time puts an image between two others that were created earlier, or the modification time comes before the creation time, you know they’re rigging the ballot images. For example, see this summary from Garland Favorito of VoterGA.
Favorito went over his report at the Moment Of Truth Summit.
Long video about the importance of Cast Vote Records at Frankspeech here.
More info here.
These are critical records to preserve. Go to your county clerk and get yours before it’s gone!
for anyone who didnt catch this
the videos Jeff ODonnell put up of the votes moving back and forth are us breaking the algorithm in 2020
captain obvious here
find a cafe where the wifi reaches outside and no one uses the outside chairs