Donald Trump, the former President of the United States, literally retweeted (retruthed what the fuck ever) a fucking Q post yesterday. The significance cannot be overstated, he just essentially confirmed Q as real (while still having some thin plausible deniability to fall back on.) And no one cares. No one fucking cares. Everyone saw it and still acts like this shit isn't happening. Not only acting like it isn't happening, but still outright mocking it. This is like when the government said "oh yeah, so there have been UFOs flying around Earth for decades, we know they're not human, we don't know what they are" and the entire world just went "meh."
People are so numb that they can't see what's right in front of their faces. And if they can see it, they simply don't care. Good thing this isn't being left up to chance, we'd be fucked if it was.