The FBI might've taken down the 5 Families, but the Union Mafia still owns and controls the FBI, aka the FBI Agents Association.
FBI director Christopher Wray reportedly under fire from bureau whistleblowers
The FBI might've taken down the 5 Families, but the Union Mafia still owns and controls the FBI, aka the FBI Agents Association.
FBI director Christopher Wray reportedly under fire from bureau whistleblowers
The Cabal sits on the backs of sword-wielding knights
While the knaves remain humble and in chains.
You're fighting for the wrong team.
Think about the Pope's job.
Being a pious Christian by day and a debauched demon by night
Picking bloodline Jews for "ascension" onto the royal thrones of Europe, all for your 10% cut of the profits from enslaving a continent.
Master of the entire slave plantation.
Didn't he try to have Julian Assange assassinated in prison?
If we are all malleable manifestations of the spirit that animates the Universe, then why is there so much fear in our collective consciousness?
What is the Spirit afraid of?
I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I Thank you. I love you.
Confession, Death, Sentenced to Hell. NEXT!!!
WTF. Certs from Twat now??
"This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection."
"Long blue line"
"Gang nicknames"
Not a good look.
The division between the Elites and the masses.
Eternity in "God's House"
It all galvanized with the Hellenized Jews in Alexandria, before being moved to Rome after the destruction of the Library/Temple in Alexandria.
I wouldn't have even known Anime was baking if the shills hadn't kept pointing it out.
The's too much.