So Woodrow Wilson’s father was in confederate army. Ok so the Democrats infiltrated the government and country to get payback to the union way back then! And theyve been doing it for more than 300 years. Holy shit no wonder they revealed everything in the last two years. Wilson created the public school system, they were only supposed to teach is to run machines, you know like picking cotton of the slaves. Then they realized farmers etc gave their children a better education. They had to stop this nonsense that slaves can think for themselves. So the public system was always set at a lower level of englands educational system. They were willing to wait 400 years to destroy the union! Wow, seems mind blowing but viewing the Democrats they only move fast, when they think theyve won.
President Wilson
Woodrow Wilson was born in December 1856 in Staunton, Virginia. His teenage years were spent in Columbia, South Carolina and Augusta, Georgia. His father, Joseph Ruggles Wilson, was a Chaplain of the Confederate troops and also utilized his church as a medical center to treat injured members of the Confederate army. In 1879, Woodrow Wilson graduated at the College of New Jersey (currently Princeton University) and later joined the University of Virginia law school. Wilson then practiced law in Georgia. He is the only President of the United States who has ever received a PhD from Johns Hopkins University in 1886. He taught briefly at Wesleyan College and Bryn Mawr College before becoming a professor at Princeton. He was elected New Jersey's governor in 1910 where he got national fame as a reformer. In 1912 he was nominated for the presidency and selected Indiana's governor, Thomas Marshall, as his running mate.
History anon please answer