<Dumbest speech I ever heard a president deliver.
>Dumbest speech I ever heard a human deliver.
>"it's our fault this is the way it is"
Actually it is our fault for allowing them to take power and put generations to sleep.
These people should have been culled decades ago.
Into TamperMonkey or similar:
// @name My 8kun Comfy Script
// @version 0.1
// @description No Record Anon
// @author You
// @match https://8kun.top/*
// @icon https://8kun.top/static/favicon-reply-8kun.ico
// @grant GM_addStyle
(function() {
'use strict';
// Kill vRecorder button on page
GM_addStyle('#vrecorder { display:none !important; }');
// Kill ads
GM_addStyle('#thread_ads { display:none !important; }');
GM_addStyle('.bottom_ads { display:none !important; }');