First published at 03:50 UTC on September 2nd, 2022.
Tim Truth just released a blockbuster report with the smoking gun documents which appear to show that the Australian government and ministers at the highest level knew that the Covid-19 "vaccine" was classified as a Schedule 4 POISON and yet they signed off on distributing this toxic poison to the unsuspecting Aussie public.
Note: below under read more i have linked the wiki to the definition of schedule's explanation and the use of different schedules. Summary of schedules run from 1 to 10, ranging from safe to prescription only [4] to dangerous [8] to [10] deadly, it is common practice in terms of definitions to administer poisons in vaccines, but not on this scale and not to people who have no health issues including children.
Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons
Schedule 4: Prescription Only Medicine
Schedule 4 (S4) drugs and poisons, otherwise known as prescription only medicines, are substances and preparations for therapeutic use that –
require professional medical, dental, or veterinary management or monitoring;
are for ailments or symptoms that require professional medical, dental, or veterinary diagnosis or management;
may require further evaluation for safety or efficacy;
are new therapeutic substances.
cost of the drug is high, or when there is a risk of dependence
The price of many Schedule 4 substances are subsidized by the Australian Government through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), when prescribed by an authorized prescriber. Certain medications may require an authority from the PBS. Situations that may require an authority include where the drug may only have benefit in limited conditions, the true cost of the drug is high, or when there is a risk of dependence. Some states have subsets of Schedule 4 with additional requirements (see below). Schedule 4 medicines cannot be advertised directly to the public.
Schedule 8: Controlled Drug
Schedule 8 (S8) drugs and poisons, otherwise known as Controlled Drugs, are substances and preparations for therapeutic use which have high potential for abuse and addiction. The possession of these medications without authority is an offence.
Like schedule 4 substances, the price of many Schedule substances are subsidized through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), some of which may require an authority. In addition, in some states, all drugs on schedule 8 require a doctor to have an S8 permit before prescribing treatment. For example, in NSW the prescribing of Schedule 8 CNS stimulant medication (e.g., methylphenidate, dexamfetamine) requires authorisation from the NSW Ministry of Health (Pharmaceutical Services) and is generally restricted to specialists, such as paediatricians and psychiatrists. A GP (General Practitioner) cannot initiate the treatment, although they can prescribe in very limited circumstances, e.g. co-prescribing on behalf of the specialist; and in rural areas, if the patient has been diagnosed with ADHD, a GP may apply for the authority to prescribe. Patients who may require Schedule 8 CNS stimulant medication should be referred to a specialist for assessment.
schedule 4 and 8 screen capped
not sure if anons watched the floor path that joe walked on before and after the speech, walks on red then walks out on red turning blue, Trump and maga visuals clear and present danger
Note: This is the longer version, archived to check out the crowd and build up, Biden is lead to the podium by Jill his handler with a very strange light show, including the floor being lit from red to blue, spent most of his time attacking trump and maga republicans while projecting the crimes on to their opposition, looks desperate and worried and fragile.
Biden begins his speech about the 20 minute mark into this video.
Biden delivers primetime speech from Philadelphia – as it happened