>Has anyone ever heard the expression “Follow the original Ralph Lauren”
No, please do explain.
>Has anyone ever heard the expression “Follow the original Ralph Lauren”
No, please do explain.
>When you open doors in your mind the expression comes true.
I know about the door and handle.
>It’s like something to do with the Illuminati, a totally new way of perceiving things.
Almost like shining a light on everything indeed.
>Long story on my behalf but it was to do with the royal hospitals.
Host keeps it short.
>Inb4 take meds
No the meds are in the light.
A bottle can float way further than I ship maybe?
Ships can strand too.
Where the Island under the Moon light?
>Do you ever go out to nature and find a four leaf clover?
I found one long ago and kept it dear, so no I am not hunting lately.
My life is cursed and I cannot even escape it on this board.
Pirates only hide out in Pirate Bays.
I close my eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream but I always wake up dreaming about some of the other hideaways…
I guess we are a bit cheap being pirates here on earth, the space pirates must be more advanced than us.