both marines should be ashamed of themselves.
Your humility is glowing.
Those marines should be ashamed of themselves. You keep watching your reality show. Let's see how this plays out for you. Never forget. 4-6% lost forever. That's probably the right amount of people that think this is just one big happy theatrics play. Be careful at suicide weekend when your fairy tale crashes in on you.
Naw. I will stay asleep and hold my military accountable for not defending the constitution and instead wreaking havoc all over the planet. Hundreds of millions of lives destroyed at the hands of the USA military. After seeing all the carnage our military has done I am now expected to trust them to save me? Are you being for real or just trolling?
digits confirm about the wake but you must not be so trusting to the most destructive machine in recorded known history. If that's where your trust is then you probably need to be careful during the infamous weekend.
Good to see Freddy is doing well.