Anonymous ID: 5f515b Sept. 2, 2022, 1:23 p.m. No.17484306   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It's (sickeningly) amazing, the hate and contempt from people "closest" who can be much crueler than school or workplace bullies ever were. Wondering when a switch will be flipped, and what it would take to "snap" people out of their addictions to everything Communist? From amazon, goog to literally everything allowed on mainstream TV & ALL entertainment industries, including all spectator sports, is it a SPELL emitted from screens which imprisons them?

People voted 45 but they're completely blocked from any legitimate info. NO OAN on any major "provider", so they stick with faux or faux lite and goog, as they always had. (CommieCast, which never carried OAN, was always cheaper, so everyone has had them.)


Have only tried to help people in the past, giving them heads-ups on issues which would spare them much cost$ and heartache (as learned the very hard way), which could be VERY easily verified even then. Problem has been, they needed to see it on their TVs or via a *mainstream source online, therefore ANY credibility was shot years ago. Have been labeled a "crazy conspiracy theorist" ever since.


As long as the mass media remains the same, wondering what it could take to jolt people if it were broadcast via EBS?

-Truths regarding: Father and/or son Kennedy


-Blackmail video footage of the Child Crimes, whether from Epstein's properties or Standard Hotel/Chateau Mormont's dungeon?


Already confirmed but confined to OAN & other suppressed sources: Laptop From Hell and All of the Ukraine/China corruption PROOF;

Enough Election Fraud SURVEILLANCE footage to run for a month (hi, Ruby Freeman & Shaye Moss!);

ALL of the outright slanderous lies told about Our President since 2015 which were NEVER true -TOO easily confirmed if only people would LOOK beyond anything *mainstream…


Have always been mocked for not being a fan of TV, or 99% of movies. Now add not having a "smartphone" and being attached every waking second. People ignored and avoided me, and it was fine, as we had nothing in common. Now they want to fight you and wish harm on you simply because they hate you.

Really wonder if they are finding anything out because it is always the messenger who gets the wrath – NOT the people who inflict the harm, who these people will probably defend to the death. Two people are currently learning something the hard (and costly) way, something which I had tried to warn of and show concrete proof of years ago. Suffice to say, Chrismas & Thanksgiving should be even more awkward than they already were.


Didn't even know the realities of the Communist infiltration so many decades ago until anons, so I never had a term for what's been happening. It took President TRUMP to bring it all to light.


The Communists put the final nail in the coffin of Human Interaction with the cell phone & fakebook addictions.Eternally and profusely grateful to Our President & QTeam for having this board set up, and Anons for being hereIt's literally the only place to go, and remains the lone connection to real people