that story is the story you are talking about. Correct? Inanna?
she is and it may be the wrong story i am thinking about but i keep thinking there is a part about a heavenly marriage and the red text guy keeps using phrases that kick me back to that story for some reason.
i am starting to think it may not be a ring but a key.
it is an interesting belief to have in ones self. A divine wedding in heaven for eternity. Could be worse.
have the animated version.
i always forget all the symbols in this image but the reason i dont consider it a ring is it is not surrounding something like on your finger this is being held more like a yolk or a control maybe like you would grip it and rotate with your hand like you were unlocking something. We still have no idea what the sumerian gods purses were either.
i also am getting this vibe from it and maybe there is another symbol i am not aware with that having a solid line on the bottom.
they are scared
kek i have an art major and i didnt even notice he said that and i am on the pots also. I sucked at sculpting anyways, was more into illustration.
same also.