The only way would be to shut down communication throughout the World.
Then door to door would work for a short time until people figured out what was going on.
Torches and Pitchforks at that point.
The only way would be to shut down communication throughout the World.
Then door to door would work for a short time until people figured out what was going on.
Torches and Pitchforks at that point.
Every time I post this I get banned.
You know why?
Music is more dangerous than any picture or story.
>>we all do gay shit once, bro
Well there is your problem, instead of saying You do gay shit, you had to make US just like you so you aren't the only oneโฆ
Yea, the mental gymnastics there are mind staggering.
You had me at Nadia Comenchi. KEK!
Dont be mad at us because you sucked a little dick in your day.
Im ok with Faggots as long as they dont tell me they are all day.