anyone still not concerned?
>Jet Proposition Laboratory will be shutdown and the employees will face life sentencesโฆ. That CGI technology ShitShow is over.
paranoid delusional alert.
all science is fake (except the science that makes it possible to sperge bullshit around the planet in milliseconds).
GTFOH with your retarded troglodyte flat-earth moronic bullshit. you glow. go be a nigger somewhere else.
your audience is waiting for you to return to YT.
>It is out of that sea of piss that a turd floats to the surface and the flies swarm that idea; bolstering its effect and amplifying its reach.
not sure if that is poetic, or just sophomoric potty humor.
it shows the NAME of the twatter acct. verify it yourself, you lazyass fucktard.
>when patriots activate Plan Z.
>Let us all know when the "Patriots" get around to it.
>We have been waiting since the 1970's.
some of us been waiting since november 1963. and getting a little "itchy," if ya know what i mean.
go boost yourself, tranny assfuck.
>You're a special kind of retarded huh?
no, i'm just an ordinary everyday retard
(You) are the "special" kind
>Enjoy the show.
been watching for 6 yrs. bored to tears. same old shitheads, same old shit, patriots losing moar every day.
the ukrainian army is doing better than "we the pepes." only 30,000 of them killed.
>Quite frankly, that sounds like a YOU problem.
>I think the anime reactions are silly and cute.
>None of them are sexually suggestive.
>It is just wholesome funny faces with exaggerated expressions.
the disproportionately large eyes of anime are a powerful subliminal suggestion of an infant.
to put an infant in ANY of the attire/situations depicted in anime is intrinsically inherently deviant.
if you can't comprehend that, you're a moran.
if you can, you're a closet pedo.
>Q has been posting for a hair less than 5 years now
and DJT has been blowing smoke out his ass about draining the swamp for MORE than 6 yrs now.
how FUCKING brainwashed can YOU get? fucking qtard/trumptard.
>Women put mascara on their eyes to make them look bigger.
women who wear makeup are whores. UGLY whores. period.
>You're literally retarded.
i thought you filterded me? so you're a fucking LIAR, too, and easily triggered into exposing yourself. typical tranime.
GFY, fake gary.