Trump rally today in Scranton, Pennsylvania. This is Biden’s hometown. What are the odds that Biden has Trump arrested on stage in front of millions of people?
>ID almost says ‘tadaa’
Reminder that China gave Biden a billion dollars before he ‘won’ the elections.
Xi more than anyone wants to see Trump in prison.
Do you think Joe is gonna to tell Xi no?
>Reminder that China gave Biden a billion dollars before he ‘won’ the elections.
Biden eats from the palm of China’s hand
100% Puppet
A billion dollar bribe was all it took for China to have the ultimate insider (Joe)
>I don't see any Chinese in Biden's administration.
Do you think after Biden has Trump arrested he will put all the MAGA people on Chinese cargo ships so they’ll be slave labor to the rice niggers?
Libs probably want everyone to watch because Biden probably gonna have Trump arrested in front of millions of viewers.
What happens after they arrest orange man?
Democrats want a pedo utopia that’s why they want to put all of MAGA into camps
Most politicians are kiddy diddlers they’ll probably blindly follow any dictator