I captured this yesterday, but did not capture the link. Does anyone know who wrote this? I think it is a good analogy of the Biden speech of red strangeness. He really was saying something quite different in this 'act'.
Patriots might want to know.
Conservative pundits are predictable. Especially during election season, they see everything through the lens of how it will make an impact in November. This often blinds them to the reality that today’s Democrat leadership in Washington DC is no longer driven by election concerns. The handlers in the Biden-Harris regime do not answer to the guy in the Oval Office. They direct him based on the instructions they receive from the “Liberal World Order,” the globalist elites like Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, George Soros, and Bill Gates.
It’s people like Brian Deese who are deciding what is said and done by the puppets with the fancy titles. The same can be said about Capitol Hill where Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and other members of the Uniparty Swamp are getting their marching orders from outside forces who are determined to bring forward The Great Reset. They don’t care about rigged elections any more than they care about the damage done by lockdowns and face masks. It’s all Kabuki Theater.
It’s all a charade.
Meanwhile, conservative pundits and talking heads are echoing the very narrative they’re supposed to perpetuate. Whether out of ignorance, stubbornness, or because they’re controlled opposition, they miss opportunities to expose the fundamental problems we’re faced with today because they see everything as having to do with the election.
Arguably the most egregious recent example of this, other than what we’re witnessing in real time through commentaries about Joe Biden’s dark speech, is the universal reaction to face mask mandates getting lifted in February. I distinctly remember nine out ten conservative pundits said that Democrats who were suddenly lifting these mandates in a very tiny 8-10 day window were doing so because they were reading the polls. They were doing it because it’s an election year. They were doing it because they thought it would endear them to voters.
It was a ludicrous conclusion. This was February, nine months before the election, when pretty much every major city and state that still had face mask and lockdown mandates uniformly lifted them. Conservative pundits ignored the fact that most who were doing this weren’t even on the ballot in November. New York City Mayor Eric Adams had been in office for a month and had said a week before he lifted the face mask mandate that lifting the mandate was off the table. Why in the world would conservative pundits think Democrats suddenly cared about the polls nine months before an election? Is anyone really going to make their voting decision based on what Eric Adams and others did in February?
The reason the mandates were lifted was in preparation for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They knew it was coming. They wanted to capture the full attention of as many Americans as possible, especially Republicans, so they could sell the narratives that Volodymyr Zelensky was the “Hero of Democracy” and we need to all get on board with the upcoming massive aid that was going to get filtered through Ukraine to pay off all the necessary bad guys ahead of the rollout of The Great Reset. They couldn’t afford our attention to be spent on silly things like medical tyranny so they put it on hold.
The lifting of mandates in February had nothing to do with midterm elections and neither did Joe Biden’s Thursday speech. There were three goals the Liberal World Order intended to accomplish with Biden’s speech, and all three goals are well on their way to being fulfilled. They are:
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