The use of an array of tactics to baffle the perception in conflict is not new, nor is the strategy confined to the human species. Predators who exploit the perceptual deficiencies of prey are common in nature. As human hunters wear camouflage, spread scents and simulate game calls to imitate prey animals, Paussid beetles forge chemical signals, blinding ant species they prey on to their presence among them in the nest. A famous human group employed similar tactics. Hasan ibn Sabah’s Assassins.
Ibn Sabah allegedly learned his art of mind control from priests of the mysteries in Egypt, but whatever the origin of the tactics, the Assassins used hypnotic induction, symbolism, stage magic and drugs create a belief system which insured 100 % loyalty and instant compliance with leader’s instructions.
Nation state rulers have great difficulty securing large numbers of people willing to die on command.
Hasan al Sabah’s Assassins prospered for 300 years and spread their agents through the middle east because they could create fanatically loyal adherents who would raise families, live amongst the opponent for 30 years, and remain ‘’’instantly obedient to leader’s orders – even when ordered to commit assassinations certain to result in capture and execution.’’’
Some beetles are walking organic chem labs, they synthesize explosives, chemical warfare agents, sex changing molecules –‘’’ read and write the language of the victims perceptions.’’’
"Ant-nest beetles (Paussus) are the quintessential Trojan horses of the insect world. ‘’’They hack the complex communication system of ants, allowing them to blend into the ant society and be treated as royalty, all the while preying upon the ants and the ants' brood and duping the ants into rearing their young. ‘’’
How would we transpose this pattern. To what other species might this apply?
…Here we present results of the first molecular-based phylogeny of ant-nest beetles, which reveals that this symbiosis has produced one of the most stunning examples of rapid adaptive radiation documented to date.
‘’’A very successful strategy. ‘’’
Human beings perceive only a narrow band of visible light wave lengths and hear only a narrow range sound frequencies. Not one human in a million recognizes the large blind spot in the middle of our visual field until it is demonstrated. We never suspect our senses are not all there is, or other species could possibly take advantage of our limited perception.
In the everyday world we attach “me” to our body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities. Religious, racial, social, economic –
How real are those defined identities?
To some of us they're extremely real.
To others, including most of the satanist pedovore cult con artists we contend with, none of those identities are real.
Our ethnic, racial and religious identities, to the cultist’s way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.
Pedovores assume and discard Catholic, Jewish, evangelical protestant, and secular humanist identities as easily as they express right wing, left wing or centrist ideological positions. These labels are meaningless to pedovores who use our treasured identities as protective camouflage for the abduction and ritual abuse of our children as well as economic depredation.
Ideologies and dogmas are cognitive malware. They make effective smokescreens.
Whatever identity mask they adopt, cult pedovores need and seek access to vulnerable children.
We have found satanist pedovore cultists running major charitable organizations, respected foundations and reputable institutions which are collectively responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of national and international programs targeting “at risk” ie vulnerable children – all under pretext of helping.
Children's Defense Fund is a prime example of a pedovore social subversion weaponized as a charitable construct. CDF is endorsed by the biggest “stars” and executives in the entertainment business.
Most of the same people were also involved in starting the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, which gave pedovores both access to children and a heads-up early warning system because the creepy sham center for M&E children started the “Amber Alert Service” run by the evil pedovore Laura Silsby, arrested for kidnapping “orphaned” children (parents alive) in Haiti.
Pedovores are con artists, they steal your wallet and offer to help you look for it.
Similarly, when communities ask themselves, "who's going to care for our orphans?" Pedovores always have their hands up, and may style themselves Catholics Jews or evangelicals in order facilitate access.
Pedovores don't believe in national, religious or ethnic identities. cultists are identity-shifters who embed themselves in ethnic, religious or ideological communities and seek control of fund raising and identity defining structures.
Pedovores run such organizations today, hiding behind the benign philanthropic reputation of do-gooder charities, fake foundations and NGOs.
This is information war, and that's how IW is fought.
Cory Patterson is a certified flight instructor.
might not be same. diff high school
Cory Patterson FB video - scenic sunset
Guess he decided on a low and slow suicide over lightly forested terrain.
>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)
>Children's Defense Fund (Front)
>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate
>Dan Schneider/Pedowood
>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook
>Pentagon Child Porn Servers
>Oakland County child murders
>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer
>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring
>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring
>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring
>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring
>Madeline McCann Disappearance
>Brooke Shields Child Actor
>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring
>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult
>G4S Security Human Trafficking
>Dyncorp Human Trafficking
>Dolphin Square Ring
>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking
>Jersey Island Child Killings
>Elm Guest House Ring
>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up
>Clinton Hitlist
>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking
>Joe Biden Child Groper
>McMartin Pre-schoolRing
>Presidio Military Daycare Ring
>Dutroux Affair Coverup
>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking
>NXIVM Sex Cult
>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring
>Sandusky Pedo Ring
>Roman Polanski Scandal
>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring
>MJ Scandal
>Savile Scandal
>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse
>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest
>The Finders Cult
>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave
>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave
>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave
>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination
>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination
>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama
>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking
>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up
>Portugal Elite Sex Ring
>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring
>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp
>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring
>Norway Pedo Ring Bust
>Hampstead, UK, cover up
He's a flight instructor. The King Air disappeared below 900 ft, slow (165 kts) and over lightly forested terrain.
They'll either find a wreck, or he can fly out below 900 ft, going after that Walmart he allegedly targeting.
injected cosmetic filler to compensate for age related atrophy/wasting
nice, looks like gear down landing and points for missing the irrigation equipment
>Landed or crashed?
where the corn is as high as the copilots eye, the fuselage undamaged and the pilot walks away - that's called a "Q-ash"