Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 4:39 a.m. No.17494673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4685


Bernie's Tweets


U.K. - Therese Coffey - Tipped as new Health Minister


▪️ Backed lockdowns

▪️ Backed vaccine passports

▪️Backed vaccines for kids

▪️Backs Net zero & wants to link pensions to targets.


A picture says a thousand words.

Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 4:42 a.m. No.17494681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4715 >>5120


Parents of children attending San Juan Elementary School in California say classrooms are too hot for students.

Some kids are getting bloody noses and headaches from sitting in a hot classroom, they say.

"My kid the first few days was like, 'Mommy I'm sweaty,'" Dulce Montoya told KSBW Action News 8. "His hair was all wet, he was beet red."

California parents say their elementary school kids are developing bloody noses while learning in hot classrooms, reported KSBW Action News 8, a local affiliate of both ABC and NBC.


Administrators and faculty members at San Juan Elementary School have been fielding complaints and concerns from parents for days, Action News 8 reported.


"My kid the first few days was like, 'Mommy I'm sweaty,'" Dulce Montoya told the outlet. "His hair was all wet, he was beet red."


Montoya said she heard from another mom "who told me her kid came home two days complaining of a headache, another mom said her kid got a bloody nose."


Parents said the principal is aware of excessive heat inside the classrooms and has purchased small fans in an effort to cool down students.


But parents say that's not enough.


"You know they got one fan sitting on the floor in the corner, doesn't oscillate. It's not fair for the kids," Randy Burgess told Action News 8. "We should be able to donate fans if we want, you know what I mean? It seems like it's complicated even to do that."


"It was ridiculously hot at 6 o'clock at night in the classroom" on the first day back to school, Burgess, the father of a third-grader, said.


Concerned parents are asking for a more permanent solution to address the heat issues, Action News 8 reported.


"I understand people are saying, 'Oh my god we grew up without A/C,' I understand that," Montoya said. "The weather wasn't like this so there's nothing wrong with us wanting to adapt to the new weather and make it better for the kids."


"We don't leave dogs in cars, Burgess said. "We don't leave people in cars, we don't shut them in a room with no A/C."


California parents say their elementary school kids are getting bloody noses and headaches from learning in excessively hotclassrooms

Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 4:45 a.m. No.17494686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4692


Six in 10 British Factories at Risk of Going Under as Bills Soar

Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 4:46 a.m. No.17494691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4694

Amazon Closes, Abandons Plans for Dozens of US Warehouses

Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 4:50 a.m. No.17494706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4719


California's Birth Rate Declined 6.4% in June


Following Germany, Hungary, Taiwan, UK, and Sweden

This just in: this June of 2022, California live births dropped 6.4% compared to June of 2021. Here’s the chart of year-on-year change in live births, by month. It shows changes in live births for the same months spaced a year ago. For example, change in California live births, comparing June of 2021 to June of 2022, is a drop of -6.4%.


This follows on the heel of birth rate drops in Germany, Taiwan, Switzerland, UK, Sweden, Hungary, and more.


What is going on? Let’s explore.


Before I go further, I have to remind my readers: birth rates are always seasonal! Most parents prefer to make a “spring baby”, which often ends up with them making a “summer baby” because conception takes more time than expected. So, never compare adjacent months as they are guaranteed to have dramatic changes that are simply seasonality-driven, with differences very repeatable over the years. Only compare months of one year with the same month of another year, please.


Clearly, 2022 started out as a banner year in California, with January 2022 births increasing 7.88% compared to January of 2021. (remember the 2020 lockdown causing the 2021 drop, from which 2022 rebounded) However, you can see that after that, year-on-year birth rate change started declining, dropping by 14% from +7.88% to -6.4% decline in June. The California chart looks similar to the Germany chart. Both of those showed rapid decline in birth rates:


If you want to examine it, California data is available from two sources: the 1960-2020 monthly series, and provisional 2021-2022 series.


What caused this birth rate drop? We cannot, obviously, definitively answer that since it just began to happen. We can only examine clues, for now, and need to start paying close attention.


Astute readers may ask: since California is a heavily vaccinated state, how come their birth rate reductions in June were lesser in magnitude (6%) than for other similarly heavily vaccinated countries (10+%)? It is a very important question.


The answer may lie in California’s demographics. Whites in California comprise 36% of the population, but only give 28% of births. Hispanics represent 39% of the population, but give 46% of births in California. Thus, the birthrate among Hispanics is about 50% higher than among whites.


It is well known that the vaccine rollout was initially much more successful around whites and Asians, whereas black and Hispanic people were quite hesitant to get vaccinated in the beginning. Take a look at California vaccination rate by ethnicity for Aug 2021. You can see that on Aug 1 2021, whites 18-49 were 60.2% vaccinated, but Latinos of the same age were only 46% vaccinated. The blacks were only 41% vaccinated and they also have higher birth rates than whites. So, the higher-birth-giving ethnicities were much less vaccinated, likely even more so among younger women intending to get pregnant soon. That could explain why California, by Jun 2022, is seeing significant reductions in birth rates that are nevertheless somewhat lower than what we saw in, say, Sweden or Germany.


Please note, also, that strange drops in birth rates 9 months after vaccination campaigns, are extremely concerning, but are not in themselves proof of causality. My Hungary article, analyzing vaccination rate and birth rate changes among 20 counties of Hungary, provides something very close to the proof of causality — but California changes alone, as concerning as they are, are not yet conclusively proving that California is experiencing vaccination-driven decline in birth rate. It is merely a signal that needs to be looked at, in context of similar developments in other countries.


Is this Decline Temporary or Permanent?

We do not know, yet, if massive changes in birth rates will be permanent or temporary. My Hungary article has a section that discusses this. It is possible that the reduction is a mix of temporary and permanent effects. As the population of young people received further vaccine doses later, that could also effect birth rates.


California is in a great company of North Dakota, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Taiwan, the UK, and Sweden. Take a look at my previous birth rate articles:

Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 4:58 a.m. No.17494719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4723 >>4807 >>4909



UK: Births in England Collapsed and are NOT Coming Back Up


A new UKHSA Sep 1, 2022 Vaccine Effectiveness Report is out. The report says that it “applies to England”.


And it has very bad news. Live births dropped in England by 14% as of May 2022, and the decline seems to be worsening and not recovering.


I highlighted the relevant data that we will look at:


This simple table shows year-on-year declines in births (comparing, for example, May 2022 to May 2021):


The chart is here:


Before I go further, I have to remind my readers: birth rates are always seasonal! Most parents prefer to make a “spring baby”, which often ends up with them making a “summer baby” because conception takes more time than expected. So, never compare adjacent months as they are guaranteed to have dramatic changes that are simply seasonality-driven, with differences very repeatable over the years. Only compare months of one year with same months of another year, please. I did just that, comparing May to May, etc.


The usual year-to-year variation in fertility is 1-2%. Here’s the ONS page about 2021 births (also noting ominous 10% increases in stillbirths in 2021):


So, you can see that in the prior years, nothing super exciting was happening. The year of 2022 is, therefore, a big and a very disturbing aberration.


A very important statement from that report need to be addressed. The report is missing 2,637 women.


2,637 women could not be matched with a NIMS record. Their vaccine status is therefore unknown and they are excluded from these coverage figures.


I am not sure which year — 2021 or 2022 — is missing those women and how many of those were missing in each of those respective years. However, please understand that 2,637 women is a small number compared to the 189,450 births reported in 2022. At most — if all missing women were related to only 2022 — that could change the outcome by 1.39% per every month. My guess is that they were actually missing in 2021, as the “vaccine tracking system” was being set up, although I have no proof of that.


If most missing women were related to 2021 instead, then the drop in births in 2022 would be even more pronounced. These missing women represent an unknown that muddies the waters, but does not change the fact that 2022 has a dramatic and unexplainable drop in births.


Let’s Call it What it is — Infertility

A couple that desires to have a child, and is unable to conceive or have a successful pregnancy, is called infertile. While infertility is complicated, the most basic fact that we see is that despite life going on as always in the UK, couples in 2021 could NOT conceive and complete in the first months of 2022, approximately 24 thousand pregnancies — due to infertility. That led to up to 14% declines in births this year. Whether this infertility is temporary, or permanent — is an open question. I hope that it is temporary.


The Cause is the Covid Vaccine

We all know what was going on 9 months prior to January-May of 2022. The UK was busy vaccinating its fertile and pregnant women, claiming that “Covid vaccine is safe for pregnancy”.


And now, we know how that turned out, with the 14% decline in the birth rate.


Please read my Hungary article, where I compared birth rate drops in 20 Hungarian counties, with vaccination rates in the same counties 9 months prior to birth rate drops. A statistical analysis called “linear regression” shows the relationship between vaccination rates and birth rate drops 9 months later. That shows causation, due to the “temporal relationship” inherent in 9-month pregnancies.


What do you think?

Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 4:59 a.m. No.17494723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4726


Taiwan: Birth Rate Dropped -27.66% in June 2022!!!


Invasion? We do not need no stinking invasion

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article based on the shocking news that Taiwan's birth rate in May 2022 fell by 23.34% compared to May 2021.


I explained that in terms of statistics, the change in Taiwan is an unthinkable 26-sigma event of enormous magnitude.


Like most people would, I was hoping, despite evidence from other countries, that this is a data fluke.


Well, it is not, and the data for June was just released in Taiwan. I am very upset.


June Birth Rate Cratered by 27.66%!

Compared to June 2021, birth rate in Jun 2022 is down by -27.66%. This is far worse than the previous month (May) drop of -23.34% and indicates a worsening birth rate trend.


Here’s the updated chart:


Mind you, last Sep of 2021, when Jun 2022 babies were conceived in Taiwan, the people of Taiwan were mostly unaware of what was going to happen, and kept their family making plans intact. They probably did not notice a 27.66% decrease in pregnancies, or an increase in stillbirths. If someone told them, the young people of Taiwan probably thought that it was antivax propaganda that they should dutifully ignore, like their government and TV told them.


Young people were being happily vaccinated.


The result? An “impossible” birth rate drop of -27.66% is basically a slow death sentence for the population of Taiwan, if it continues, especially combined with a 26% increase in deaths.


The mainstream media is beginning to cover drops in birth rates:




Check out my “depopulation series”:


And finally, Bill Gates-sponsored scientist Kari Nadeau has an answer for us. Kari explains that the fertility and stillbirth problems are due to… Global warming!


Would you give an unproven, experimental, novel technology treatment to your son or daughter?

Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 5:01 a.m. No.17494726   🗄️.is 🔗kun



More frightening news about fertility and the mRNA shots, this time from Singapore


Births are plunging EXACTLY on schedule, nine months after mass Covid vaccinations

Singapore knows how to make its people behave.


The Asian city-state is famously uptight. It punishes criminals with caning and has prohibited chewing gum since 1992. (Do not under any circumstances deal drugs in Singapore; a 41-year-old man was sentenced to death after being caught with two pounds of cannabis in 2018.)


So when Singapore told its nearly 6 million residents to be vaccinated against Covid, it had very high compliance.


What is particularly interesting - though unsurprising - is how well Singapore stratified vaccine administration by age. As the chart below shows, in a few weeks in June and July 2021, nearly every Singaporean adult between 20-39 - childbearing age, essentially - received their first Covid vaccine jab.



The incredibly rapid uptake of vaccines among young Singaporean adults offers a natural experiment in the effect of mRNA shots on fertility. (Roughly 98 percent of all the jabs Singapore gave were mRNA from Pfizer or Moderna. Chinese vaccines used traditional inactivated virus technology made up the rest.)


You will not be surprised at this point to learn that Singapore publishes comprehensive figures on births and deaths every quarter.


Like other East Asian countries, Singapore is suffering severe baby bust. The average woman in Singapore has fewer than 1.2 children, barely half the birth rate needed to avert a long-term decline in population.


As low as the birth rate was, though, it had remained stable for a decade. Even Covid did not meaningfully change the number of births - 39,259 in 2019, 38,590 in 2020, and 38,672 in 2021.


In the first two months of 2022, Singapore received welcome news. Births actually rose about 7.5 percent.


Then came March. Again, Singapore began mass mRNA vaccinations of women (and men) of childbearing age in June 2021; March 2022 is exactly nine months later.


In March, the increase in births abruptly reversed. Between March and June 2022 - the most recent month for which figures are available - Singapore has recorded about 1,000 fewer live births compared to 2021, a decline of 8.5 percent. The drop has been consistent each month.


(Births in Singapore. See how the blue line started falling below the others in March? That’s births in 2022. That’s not good. Also, I know it’s a photo of a laptop screen. Bear with me.)



A 16 percent shift in birth rates practically overnight is, to say the least, highly unusual.


And Covid itself, or “long Covid,” whatever long Covid may be, cannot be blamed. Singapore had essentially no Covid until the fall of 2021 (well after mass vaccinations were complete, but that’s another story).


By itself, a four-month decline in birth rates in a single small country might not be cause for serious concern, despite the striking timing.


But Singapore is far from alone.


For example, Sweden has reported a similar decline this year, with a similarly close connection to vaccinations last year. It is hard to imagine two countries more different ethnically and geographically than Sweden and Singapore. They even had diametrically opposed Covid lockdown policies. Yet both are seeing the same drop in fertility.



Not panicking is important here.


The decline in births that countries like Singapore are seeing is large by historical standards. But it has lasted only a few months, and it comes against the backdrop of a long-term decline in fertility rates. Further, not every country has seen them.


In addition, the mRNA shots are known to cause disruption in menstrual cycles and declines in sperm counts that can last for several months. It is possible that those changes alone account for the entire drop, and that if and when they reverse birth rates will return to baseline. It is possible birth rates are already returning to baseline, since births by their nature are a lagging indicator of fertility.


But enough countries have now seen these changes that we would - at a minimum - be well advised to ask scientists who specialize in fertility what they are seeing. And this is yet another reason - as if any were needed - that healthy adults of childbearing age should avoid novel biotechnologies like mRNA vaccines unless they have no alternative.

Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 5:51 a.m. No.17494820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4823


Queen to appoint new prime minister at Balmoral


The Queen will not appoint the next prime minister in London, but will instead stay in Balmoral to do it, Buckingham Palace has said.


The new PM and Boris Johnson will go to Scotland, in a break from tradition for the event on 6 September.


During her 70-year-reign the Queen, 96, has had an audience with her new prime minister at Buckingham Palace.


It is understood that the decision was taken to provide certainty for the new prime minister's diary.


The Queen has suffered from mobility issues and it is understood the change was made to prevent the need for any last-minute rearrangements.


Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak will be announced as leader of the Conservative Party on Monday 5 September.


Boris Johnson is expected to announce his resignation to the Queen the following day, with his successor appointed by the monarch shortly after.


Buckingham Palace previously said the Queen would interrupt her stay at Balmoral to meet the new prime minister - the 15th of her reign.


Usually, the outgoing prime minister makes a statement outside Downing Street before taking their final trip as leader to meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace. The monarch then formally dismisses them from their role.


Shortly after, the incoming prime minister is called up. When a potential prime minister is called to see the Queen, she will ask them whether they will form a government.


After the new prime minister has been appointed, the Court Circular will record that "the prime minister kissed hands on appointment".


This is usually a handshake, and the actual kissing of hands will take place later at the Privy Council. It is then the new leader's turn to deliver a speech outside No 10.


The audiences at Balmoral will take place in the estate's drawing room.


The Queen's audience with a new prime minister is one of her key roles as head of state.


It doesn't make any constitutional difference whether the meeting is in Balmoral or Buckingham Palace, but the change of location is likely to raise questions about the Queen's health.


Only a few weeks ago there was an expectation that the Queen would interrupt her summer break and go to London.


But the need for certainty that she wouldn't be stopped from travelling by her mobility problems now means that she will stay in Scotland, rather than risk the 1,000-mile round trip.


So for the first time in her reign the audiences for the incoming and outgoing PMs will not be in Buckingham Palace.


There will be another adaptation to the ceremonial process, with the Privy Council meeting now likely to be held online on Wednesday.


But despite her advancing years and mobility difficulties, the Queen seems tenaciously determined to carry out her royal role in this political handover.


She will add either Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak to the long list of prime ministers during her reign that goes back to Sir Winston Churchill.



Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 5:54 a.m. No.17494823   🗄️.is 🔗kun


2px presentational grey line

The monarch has been taking her traditional summer break in Scotland with family and guests. She usually stays at the estate from August to October.


As well as ongoing mobility issues in recent months, the Queen had Covid in February this year.


In the past seven months, Buckingham Palace has tended to confirm the Queen's attendance at public engagements on the day, depending on how she is feeling.


In this time she has missed some high-profile engagements, including the State Opening of Parliament, the Platinum Jubilee Concert and the commemorative Derby.


2px presentational grey line

Prime ministers who have served during the Queen's reign:

Tony Blair sits alongside Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham PalaceImage source, PA Media

Image caption,

Tony Blair is among the 14 prime ministers appointed by the Queen at Buckingham Palace

Winston Churchill, 26 October 1951 - 5 April 1955

Anthony Eden, 6 April 1955 - 9 January 1957

Harold Macmillan, 10 January 1957- 18 October 1963

Alec Douglas-Home, 19 October 1963 - 16 October 1964

Harold Wilson, 16 October 1964 - 19 June 1970

Edward Heath, 19 June 1970 - 4 March 1974

Harold Wilson, 4 March 1974 - 5 April 1976

James Callaghan, 5 April 1976 - 4 May 1979

Margaret Thatcher, 4 May 1979 - 28 November 1990

John Major, 28 November 1990 - 2 May 1997

Tony Blair, 2 May 1997 - 27 June 2007

Gordon Brown, 27 June 2007 - 11 May 2010

David Cameron, 11 May 2010 - 13 July 2016

Theresa May, 13 July 2016 - 24 July 2019

Boris Johnson, 24 July 2019 - present


As head of state, it is the Queen's duty to appoint the prime minister who leads the government.


Every leader bar one has been appointed at Buckingham Palace since the reign of Queen Victoria, according to constitutional expert Prof Vernon Bogdanor.


The only exception was in 1908, when Herbert Henry Asquith travelled to Edward VII in the French city of Biarritz for his appointment.


Prof Bogdanor told the BBC there was "no constitutional reason" for the location of appointing a new prime minister.


He said: "The Queen would, I imagine, shake hands with the new PM and perhaps discuss the problems that will be faced.


"There is no constitutional reason why the new PM should not be appointed in Balmoral.


"Indeed, some might think it pointless for the Queen at her age to travel to London for a purely formal ceremony."


The appointment of a prime minister is "one of the few remaining personal prerogatives of the sovereign", according to The Royal Encyclopaedia.


The monarch does not act on advice nor need to consult anyone before calling upon the leader with an overall majority of seats in the House of Commons to form a government.

2 of 2

Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 5:56 a.m. No.17494831   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Новороссия ИНФО

today at 8:49 am

Bloomberg: riots could happen in 101 countries


Against the backdrop of rising energy prices in Europe, the risk of mass riots in 101 countries around the world has significantly increased, Bloomberg reports, citing an annual report by the British consulting company Verisk Maplecroft.


According to the authoritative agency, experts of the analytical company Verisk Maplecroft recorded anincrease in the risk of public unrest in 101 of 198 countries, which is perhaps the largest quarterly increase since 2016.


At the same time, the publication stressed that the prerequisites for the growth of protest sentiment in the EU countries is a significant increase in energy prices after the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions by Western countries.


In addition, experts added that the list of countries potentially exposed to mass protests included Germany, Cyprus, Poland, Norway and Ukraine.


Earlier, the head of the Department for the protection of the Constitution of Germany Stefan Kramer said that the tense situation in the country will lead not only to mass protests, but also to attempts to stage a coup.

Anonymous ID: 1dd56b Sept. 4, 2022, 6:34 a.m. No.17494915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4928 >>4959

Archeologists discovered a 17th-century Polish 'vampire' with a sickle across her neck meant to prevent a return from the dead


The skeleton of female "vampire" was discovered in a 17th-century Polish graveyard, the Daily Mail reported.

Professor Dariusz Poliński said the skeleton was found restrained to prevent her returning from the grave.

The remains had a sickle laying across the throat and a padlock on her big toe.

Professor Dariusz Poliński from Nicholas Copernicus University headed the archaeological dig that led to the discovery of the remains, which were found wearing a silk cap and with a protruding front tooth, the Daily Mail reported Friday.


"The sickle was not laid flat but placed on the neck in such a way that if the deceased had tried to get up… the head would have been cut off or injured," Poliński told the Daily Mail.


In the 11th century, citizens of Eastern Europe reported fears of vampires and began treating their dead with anti-vampire rituals, according to Smithsonian magazine, believing that "some people who died would claw their way out of the grave as blood-sucking monsters that terrorized the living."


By the 17th century, Science Alert reported such burial practices "became common across Poland in response to a reported outbreak of vampires."


"Other ways to protect against the return of the dead include cutting off the head or legs, placing the deceased face down to bite into the ground, burning them, and smashing them with a stone," Poliński told the New York Post.


Though other common anti-vampire burial methods included a metal rod hammered through the skeleton, the remains in Poland were found with the sickle across the neck and a padlocked toe to restrain her.


The padlocked big toe attached to the skeleton's left foot, Poliński told the Daily Mail, likely symbolized "the closing of a stage and the impossibility of returning."


Poliński did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.