It wouldnt be a civil war, it would be Patriots slaying evil. Evil already lost, it has no chance.
ER Doctor Studying COVID ‘Vaccine’ Vials Using Electron Microscopy Says They Contain ‘Organized Little Computer Chip Structures’
September 4, 2022
ER doctor and degree-holder in physiology Dr. Daniel Nagase has studied Moderna and Pfizer “vaccine” vials using electron microscopy and found both types contain “organized little [computer] chip structures [that] aren’t made of anything chips are normally made of.”
As the bizarre story of the COVID-19 “vaccine” rollout continues to unfold the narrative becomes more and more (and more) like an episode of the X-Files. Immunologist and virologist Poormina Wagh, for example, told Dr. Lee Merritt there’s no mRNA in the “vaccine” vials whatsoever. An anonymous team of German scientists has also reported there are “toxic substances” undeclared by Pfizer and Moderna in their vials; as well as “anomalous objects” in the Johnson and Johnson vials. A can’t-miss interview from back in April of this year with Dr. Daniel Nagase out of Canada adds to the mystery of the COVID-19 “vaccine” vials. Bringing to light—using electron microscopy— “organized little chip structures [that] aren’t made of anything chips are normally made of” in the vials. Along with other polymorphic “structures” made largely out of carbon and oxygen.
Nagase—a very outspoken critic of the COVID-19 injections (proof of that is in the video at bottom)—lists his relevant credentials toward the beginning of the video; noting that, aside from being an ER doctor, he also graduated from McGill University with an honors degree in physiology. He does qualify his expertise, however, by noting that his knowledge of cell biology, etc. was formed in the ’90s and is not “cutting-edge.”
After his introduction, one of the first big anomalies Nagase brings forth is in regards to the temperature at which the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” must be kept. For Pfizer, he notes the vials must be kept at a temperature of -70° Celsius; for Moderna, -40° Celsius. (The CDC notes for Pfizer, shipping containers keep the vials at “ultra-cold temperatures” between -90°C and -60°C—or -130° Fahrenheit and -76° F. For Moderna, the CDC says the vaccine arrives frozen between -50°C and -15°C; or -58°F and 5°F.)
These temperatures are “very, very unusual because no biologic reaction requires anything more than -20[°C] to be completely frozen in time” Nagase says. He notes that what does require these ultra-cold temperatures, however, is “advanced chemistry” including “free radical reactions” and “polymerization reactions.”
The bizarrely cold temperatures, Nagase says, “[were] the first very big warning sign that there is something very wrong with these injections called vaccines for COVID-19.” He adds that “The refrigeration temperature does not make any sense.”
Nagase proceeds to discuss what he found in the “vaccine” vials using electron microscopy—or the use of microscopes that use beams of electrons and their wave-like characteristics to magnify an object’s image (unlike optical microscopes that use visible light to magnify images). Critically, Nagase notes that as samples are hit with the electron beam, they release electrons as X-rays. These X-rays, in turn, can be placed on the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing for the determination of what elements are present.
With that in mind, Nagase says that the vials should contain proteins, which would mean, atomically, elements including carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorous. However, while he and his fellow researchers found lots of carbon, the latter three elements were relatively scarce.
Nagase describes his analysis, which focused on polymorphic structures in all three major COVID “vaccine” manufacturers, including Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J. He notes the X-rays from the structures—which ranged from spheres to computer chips (with dot grids) to crystals—revealed an atomic makeup largely devoid (apparently) of organic material.
Nagase notes, for example, one of the chip-like structures from one of the Moderna vials contains lots of carbon, platinum (an artifact of the microscopy’s process), palladium, and “a little bit” of chloride. He notes that “this is unlike any computer chip that I know of [because] there is no silicon in it. None. It looks like a computer chip but it’s made completely of carbon and oxygen and an unknown number of hydrogens.”
Moar :
Good friend of mine, his brother took the vax, now he has all kinds of skin problems