or you can freeze your fucking ass off
Nope, that only means you have sex with two genders, doesn't say which ones
you b here foreva
fuck I bet 370B buys a shit ton of Adrenochrome
Shall we play a game
This is not a game
Anons can play this game all day long
learn to play the game or the game will play you
A strange game the only winning move is not to play
game over
ded patriot
white grls can't twerk
Word Demonic Forum
give examples please
Chris Kyle
ded patriot
was on seal team six
that was said to have killed Osama Bin Laden
going of memory but I think he was killed on a gun range
by someone he was training
so he prolly was wacked
yeah, prolly not ded either
I jus guessing at misinformation
that is prolly not even his name