at this point suddenly FE and muh dick don't bother me nearly as much as all these motherfuckers getting away with all these crimes.
welcome, FE discussions!
at this point suddenly FE and muh dick don't bother me nearly as much as all these motherfuckers getting away with all these crimes.
welcome, FE discussions!
Also House republicans will pass a resolution.
Hillary Clinton and John Podesta will go on vacation to Monte Carlo.
Hannity will say tick tock.
Right, good point, but the piling up of crimes is getting to be a bit much to take, especially for those who have been following this stuff since long before FBIAnon.
It has almost turned me into a concernfag I will admit. Too many crimes, not any justice. That is messed up.
We're gonna lose some autists today.
Gotta hand it to the Democrats, they are not as "stupid" as some people around here suggest.
The shit this woman has gotten away with.
No, the Democrats and the Deep State win as they've been winning for the past 30 years.
Somewhere, Barbara Bush is chuckling to herself.