One would suspect the "nukuler documents" Trump held/holds are the Clinton-Obama Uranium One evidence. This shit has been leaked to the public several times, but since the Leftist media won't report on it, it remains a non-story.
FOX in the henhouse. We have a fox in the neighborhood that digs in the trash and shits on the lawn. Fox news is about equally as worthless.
African'ts write like they drive; no turn signals. Nice of Pookie to save all his periods for the end of that run-on sentence.
This means something.
Before the earth expanded the gravity was much less than today. All the animals and insects were huge. But how small was the earth to produce such a terrific tree?
"Holy Gay Edgar Hoover, Batman!"
Masons were all through that war. Take the Gettysburg battlefield. The Eternal Peace Light monument. The Eternal Flame is a Masonic device. There is an Eternal flame on the JFK grave and a replica eternal flame at the top of the JFK monument in Dealy Plaza.
Symbolism will be their downfall.