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'''The question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great
conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement
of the American people within a U.N. one-world dictatorship is a complete and
unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people.
The reason for this unawareness of the frightening danger to our country and
to the entire free world is simple. The masterminds behind this great conspiracy
have absolute control of all of our mass-communications media, especially
television, the radio, the press, and Hollywood.
We all know that our State Department, the Pentagon, and the White House
have brazenly proclaimed that they have the right and the power to manage the
news, to tell us not the truth but what they want us to believe.
They have seized that power on orders from their masters of the great
conspiracy and the objective is to brainwash the people into accepting the phony
peace bait to transform the United States into an enslaved unit of the United
Nations' one-world government.'''
First of all, bear in mind that the so-called U.N. police-action in Korea, fought
by the United States in which 150,000 of our sons were murdered and maimed,
was part of the plot; just as the undeclared by Congress war in Vietnam in which
our sons are dying is part of the plot; just as the plot against Rhodesia and South
Africa in which our sons will be dying is part of the U.N. plot.
However, the vitally important thing for all Americans, all you mothers of the
boys who died in Korea and are now dying in Vietnam, to know is that our socalled leaders in Washington, who we elected to safeguard our nation and our
Constitution, are the betrayers and that behind them are a comparatively small
group of men whose sole-objective is to enslave the whole world of humanity in
their satanic-plot of one-world government.
'''Now in order to give you a very clear picture of this satanic-plot, I will go back
to its beginning, clear back in the middle of the 18th century and name the men
who put that plot into action and then bring you down to the present—today's
status of that plot. Now as a matter of further intelligence, a term used by the FBI,
let me clarify the meaning of the expression "he is a liberal."'''
The enemy, meaning the one-world conspirators, have seized upon that
word "liberal" as a cover-up for their activities. It sounds so innocent and so
humanitarian to be liberal. Well, make sure that the person who calls himself a
liberal or is described as a liberal is not, in truth, a "red."
Now then, this satanic-plot was launched back in the 1760's when it first
came into existence under the name "Illuminati." This Illuminati was organized by
one Adam Weishaupt, born a Jew, who was converted to Catholicism and
became a Catholic priest, and then, at the behest of the then newly-organized
House of Rothschild, defected and organized the Illuminati.
Naturally, the Rothschilds financed that operation, and every war since then,
beginning with the French Revolution, has been promoted by the Illuminati
operating under various names and guises. I say under various names and
guises because after the Illuminati was exposed and became notorious,
Weishaupt and his co-conspirators began to operate under various other names
continue full pdf': https://www.heritage-history.com/site/hclass/secret_societies/ebooks/pdf/fagan_illuminati.pdf