you should work on raising your intellectual stock, there are levels to this game.
Anyone who has worked for the government knows the bureaucracy, add Intelligence Community on that and their are long drawn out procedures to this. Add in the fact so many are brainwashed and feed on quick news bits and you are fighting a massive battle.
I would hate to do crime with any of you concernfags, you'd crumple and cry like little snitch bitches instantly. Do you really think Comey or Hillary are going to act scared, especially Hillary, after all the nefarious shit she has denied throughout her life already, Give your head a shake for thinking they will crack, they will lie right up until the cage locks you fucking tools.
I've hung out with some gnarly people in my life, one thing i learned, they will NEVER tell authority the truth.
Smells like scared shill in here.
Any of you concernfags crying need to go and read #1497 really nice and slow and realize we got the redacted modded copy, then we will work towards the true copy and the people of the left will start getting frustrated at being misled which will slow their pursuit of bitching incessantly. They will start to stfu and listen more carefully, maybe venture out of their MSM bubbles to look at alternatives news sources. You people are too simple to be participating in this.
At least this report will cut the useless twats from the board who are incapable of reading properly. Thin the heard.