It's interesting…when I was a kid growing up in the late sixties…this is actually what we thought or knew transvestitism to be…sigh…
Had a wonderful weekend walking through God's forest. Saw some documentary somewhere about "forest bathing" (you don't necessarily have to be naked you dirty minded freaks…but it probably helps! HAH!).
Anyway, I can certainly attest to the absolute peace, tranquility, smells, and glory of God's created stuff.
Makes me want to research grounding and also whether Amerindians really did lay on the ground all day to heal from certain things.
Wifeanon and myself are really starting to remove items from our shopping list/diet because quite frankly, we just don't wanna be eating no bebes…this werld is sick.
One thing I saw earlier today made me think: won't it be nice "when this is all over" (whatever THAT means) when countries maybe won't SELL ARMS AND DEATH MACHINES TO OTHER NATIONS and maybe just worry about defense. You know…the Libertarian way.
'Course…then it comes down to how you define "defense". Some countries (cough…merica…cough)…seem to think it means going throughout the world destroying things because: "defense". Sigh.
You may have to spell this out for me…I'm afraid I don't understand? Other poisons? What we talkin' bout?
The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
Loving it too much causes one to do all manner of evil to get more, have more influence, power, blah blah
AH! I get you now. Yes, we've known about this stuff too…but the baby-parts was kind of new to us. We're trying to really get away from processed stuff, and of course stuff from the most-likely-evil conglomerate "food-inc" types of companies. Also looking to try to start raising chickens, get our beef locally etc.
Appreciate the reply and the elucidation.
saw that! Sorry…still new to how fast these breads sometimes go…sorry for being pedantic.
We've pretty much removed sodas, beers, wine from the diet but I'm wondering if Lecroix has bad things in it (man…how much can you screw up carbonated water…(need to go read label))?
Deyo reservoir in Idaho over the weekend. It was such a purply goodness of yummy…sigh. PHAT trout too.
We use a Burkey filter…but we will soon start capturing rainwater on our land…should be interesting…I will DEFINITELY filter the captured rainwater before drinking but will also probably take a pre-filtered sample and have it analyzed.
sigh…cross one more thing off the list.
Thanks anon! I have always wondered about carbonation…
My old-school health physics dad had a "Revigator" wherein they use to purposely dose water with radioactivity "fer health and stuff" waaaay back in the day.
I definitely plan to cuz it's seems like a cool idea IF the water is pure. Can't disclose the location…because: no self-doxing…heh heh…
I WILL say this: the land is between 10-20 miles from a tiny town (pop: 4000) and many of my neighbors (we all have maybe 15-20 acres each) have wells…
OOH! We could name it the "They Got Him" shill. Hear that? yer famous nowz…
KEK! Seriously…back in the day some brave souls wore those…talk about banana hammock. YISH.
This suggests that some type of spore will take over the werld.
uh oh…guyz…should we tell her?
Aaaaaaaand: there it is. Clockwork I tellz ya.
It's interesting…been lurking for 2 years now. Started poasting tonight multiple times.
I can see now that there are ways to make things a little more readable…like copying some of the previous post so folks don't have to walk the tree…
I shall try to be bedder.
oh man that's funny. sure I may have been a bit poast-happy, but I assure you there's a banana in my hammock (see previous 22 posts somewhere in there).
This brings up an interesting point.
Should an Anon typically try to stay under a certain number of posts in a given bread?
So as not to hog the thing?
Just curious.
And mr. filterd is a meany…were you like that on the playground? Oh wait…you still ARE on the playground…
I like that analogy.
I have spent time in classified space and the cover pages in that lame picture don't even look right from what I remember…so yeah…the whole thing is ridiculous. And of course Trump would just throw all of it on the floor.
Staged. Pathetic. Disband the FBI (as well as all the others…).
This painting has always struck me as extremely creepy. The details surrounding it are creepy as well…and to think I was totally asleep and voted for this complete buffoon. I need to go slap myself again.
I thought DJT was referring to when DJT was in the WH, Schmuck came to visit and grovel and what-not…I didn't gather that Schmuckerberg visited LAST WEEK…hope I'm making sense.
Okay srsly…isn't that gonna hurt the poor lady's back? I mean the leverage alone is staggering…
Serious question (okay…not really):
If you're ONE of the many Hilary clones…does that make you a baddie? I mean…if the White Hats are supposedly running things, and you're COOPERATING (by being a Hilary clone), then you're not necessarily a baddie? Are ya?
Bah…it's so confusing living in the land of deception.
Look up: cherenkov radiation…not a nice way to go apparently.
woops…meant to mention: your eyes floresce with Chernkov radiation…