Anonymous ID: eabac5 Sept. 6, 2022, 3:15 a.m. No.17504352   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They will probably try (and need to) steal the election again for masses to wake up. Everyone knows this guy is unpopular, imagine if normies (that currently hate Biden) find that the numbers don't make sense in 2024. Suddenly everyone would question.


At that time patriots would have 2 instances of real election fraudd. Instead of 2020 where only Q patriots watched in real time, 2024 will have the military(space force)and NSA monitoring every packet of data. This anon thinks only then will the house come down.


We haven't even had 2 full years of Brandon and his approval is 25% or less? MAGA wont take another rigged election and in 2024 normies wont take 4 more years of Biden.


1 stolen election(with dem majority) = slap on wrist

2 stolen elections(with patriot majority) = firing squads.