You. Yes, you. You have a heart full of love, and you have a mind full of competing understandings… You. The time for being silent is over. You are about to be called into front line action. People will know you by your vibration. They will begin to ask you questions. It’s not by accident.
You are here to share your journey, your understanding: you don’t have to be right or to know everything. You are simply asked to stand in your story, your understanding of ‘how it is’. That is an evolving truth for all humanity and anyone who says they know everything … well… beware!
You are being asked to own your truth and also to sift through your truth, as Truth is revealed and the many falsehoods that have been fed to the population and the light worker community are revealed.
Follow your intuition, it is your greatest inner tool. Sometimes it will be ‘right’ and sometimes it will be ‘wrong’, but it will always bring you to where you are meant to be, to the lessons you’re meant to learn. Allow yourself to share your journey with others in humility, in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration.
Be aware of those who are filled with anger, resentment and bitterness; whether they are labelled 3D or 5D they have inner work to do before they are clear, undistorted.
Look out for those who shine the light of compassion, kindness, balance, and justice that is not blinded by anger or righteousness.
There is no right or wrong here, believe it or not, there are simply experiences, expansions of understanding into balance.