Anonymous ID: 58708e June 14, 2018, 4:22 p.m. No.1751647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1681 >>1766

(PART 1 of 3)




The reason why I am posting this, is because 15 years ago during that time frame, I was homeless and staying on the Hopi Reservation in Arizona. I was camping in the campground located next door to the Hopi Cultural Center and Hotel.

Being homeless, I spent a lot of time watching the skies, and I loved watching the stars on the Hopi Rez because there is almost ZERO light pollution! You can see stars that you normally can't see with the naked eye when you are sky watching in town or even near a city.

I noticed a number of strange lights in the sky during that period. The first time I'd seen a "UFO", I was sitting on a picnic table and listening to somebody playing pow wow music somewhere in the desert. As I was stargazing and zoned out on the meditative beat of drums and Hopis singing, I noticed a "star". It was moving.

At first I thought, maybe it was a satellite, but it was getting closer, and then the closer it got, it started to take on a golden yellow appearance (much like molten metal or super hot plasma).

It zig zagged back and forth in a undulating pattern and then flew directly into a thunderhead cloud that had eerie flashes of lightening that made the cloud glow with the same fiery golden yellow that the "UFO" had.

Well, on August 27, 2003 (the closest Mars had been in 60,000 years), I was talking to some campers in the campground. A Vietnam veteran pilot, his 13 year old son, and a guy that appeared a few nights earlier named Michael James aka The Angel Mike, because he believed that he was the incarnation of the archangel Michael. All he talked about was the Galactic Federation already had the earth surrounded and the Federation was upset with President Bush.

He had told me earlier that day that Mars was going to be the closest to earth that evening and that made traveling between Mars and Earth easier and that I would see many "spaceships". He then told me that his own spaceship was on its way and that it would fly over us that evening.

I was entertained by this guy. He was a short man, probably 5'4 or 5'5. He had very short shaved hair (not bald) that was speckled with gray. He wore cowboy boots and had tattoos of Egyptian symbols and carried a staff with similar symbols and an eagle feather.

Total nutcase, right? That's exactly what I thought. I thought this guy is whacked, but I never said a word as I was alone and at least he was somebody to talk to, so I kept an open mind.

So, later that evening on August 27th; we were all in the campground. The Vietnam vet (with one eye and one leg because he went on point on his birthday when he was supposed to be on leave and got his leg blown off and lost his eye) was stirring a big pot of beans on the campfire. His young son was sitting with me as I was playing my guitar and singing songs. Angel Mike was with the Vietnam Vet and visiting as the beans were cooking and smoking cedar bark out of a peace pipe.

Then the boy went over to his dad and Angel Mike, and I was still playing guitar and singing a small distance away when all of a sudden I heard the boy start to scream with excitement:



Anonymous ID: 58708e June 14, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.1751660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1766

(PART 2 of 3)


I looked over and I seen all three of them looking up in the sky, and there were Four Gold lights approaching from the East. They flew directly over our campground, right above us!

There were Two Blue Orbs directly behind the craft…the four gold lights were underneath one large craft, and there were jets making chase. You could hear the afterburners.

As the craft flew directly over, it then did a 90 degree turn, and then another one…and then one more! It was doing a loop around! But it was more like it was moving on a square grid!

It made a second pass directly over again, and this time the four gold lights had changed into a huge golden cross.

The boy and his Vietnam vet father both had night monocles and had a much better view than me, all I could notice was the bottom of the craft.

They described it as having three tiers with windows…pyramid shaped, kind of like a Mayan Pyramid.

The craft then kept going to the Southwest towards Sedona and disappeared into the night.

We were all dumbfounded and tried the best to describe exactly what it was that we saw.

Angel Mike told me that was his spaceship, and to keep watching that evening and that the ship would fly over Third Mesa to the North and then over Walapi on First Mesa towards the South.

I was so excited, I did exactly what he said. I kept watch all night and sure enough, a golden light in the distance just appeared like a light being turned on. It appeared over Third Mesa just like Angel Mike said it was going to. It flew over the Mesa and then the light just went out, just like someone flipped a light switch.

Then later on that evening the same thing happened over First Mesa!

So, needless to say, this experience has mind fucked me to this day. I plan on being on the Hopi Rez around July 30th, 31st and maybe into August for a few more days.

Anonymous ID: 58708e June 14, 2018, 4:25 p.m. No.1751677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1766 >>1858

(PART 3 of 3)


I will camp in that same campground (the Hopis say that the name for that campground means "Center of the Universe" and that ALL beings are welcome there…not only humans…it's like neutral ground).

I expect the same to happen this go-around, if not more spectacular!

If any Anons want to skywatch on the Hopi Rez around this time frame, we can meet up at the Cultural Center on July 30th.

Even though it's frowned upon, I plan on bringing a camera this time! If I had footage of what I saw 15 years ago, you would have shit your pants!

SKY EVENT may happen around the end of July…MARS APPROACH.

I included the closest UFO photo that represents what I saw, it's not exact…but it is similar.