Anonymous ID: 716b44 June 14, 2018, 4:22 p.m. No.1751639   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q-post 1442

Anon says "Thank you for guarding POTUS, Erik." Q respones "Not POTUS"

This indicates that it was not POTUS but someone else.

Timing is crucial because A. In China where the summit is its June 11th, but in the USA on the Chan board the Time stamp is June 10.


DJT and Kim are just heading outside to there armored cars after the meet.

Kim has a Benz,

DJT has the Beast caddi.


There are USSS posted everywhere, the meeting was posted up tighter than Comey's Ass

There are a few Camera dudes to record the Event, and a few Loyal aids. but what you dont see are journalist with microphones because a) they would be facing towards the camera and would have been able to see behind the camera dudes or b) because of security issues. or c) both.


The camera dudes are looking thru the camera and recording because all eyes are on Trump showing off his Caddy to Kim. At this point a few USSS guys sneak into Kim's Benz to protect KIM while they drive to the airport. Because everyone's attention is on the KIM, the Caddy, and DTJ. Not a single camera is looking anywhere near Kim's Benz which allowed time for Trusted USSS guys to sneak in Kim's Car.


After the beast showing, Kim jumps in his own Benz with the USSS.


Kim's Benz is heavily armored just like Trumps Beast, he feels safe there, he feels comfortable there with USSS.


The Benz drives to the airport where KIM and USSS board the plane. Trump takes flight on another plane away from Kim cause common sense says having 2 leaders on 1 plane is a big no-no.


Didn't Plan fags tracked a plane that left China heading NE, it flew directly in between JAPAN and the Korea's over the Sea of Japan. The plane then did a slight turn east straight into Alaska over american soil. IMO I dont think Kim has ever seen his country from a plane before or at least not at that angle. This flight path would have also allowed KIM to get a look at JAPAN. The flight would be protected by a cordnated effert of Japan, the Koreas, Russia and the USA.


Flying a plane from China to the west coast considering there may be a rouge deep-state sub in the pacific with a itchy trigger finger….Think back then when there was that Hawaii Alert.


Now back to the plane


A fellow Anon confirmed 100% that the picture of the mountain peaks were in Alaska. A presidential plane would have enough fuel(edit: meaning bigger fuel tank then commerical) to fly from China to Alaska without refueling. So it either:

a) landed and refueled in Alaska.

b) was re-fueled in flight. ←–Best option


But what I know and what common sense tells ya is that all Presidential planes, marked and unmarked have in-flight refueling capabilities just like fighter jets. They can essentially fly without landed as long as there is a refueling tanker to supply fuel.


Remember the picture of the Alaskan Mountains with the weird dot. Common sense tells me that was a refueling tanker or possible a decoy transmitter in the far distances and that plane containing KIM was re-fueled in-flgiht. So from China to CONUS the plane never landed.





are most likely a combo of Kim, POTUS, JA, and possibly Snowden, or other White hats.

Kim Jung Un has been posting as Q.


Here's some other fun facts:

Kim Jung Un went to the one of the most prestigious schools in Europe. He is highly educated. While the details of Kim's life and education in Switzerland aren't 100 percent clear, it is believed he attended at least two different Swiss schools. In 2009, it was reported that he had attended a private English-language boarding school known as the International School of Berne under the name "Pak Chol" or "Pak Un." According to the Associated Press, Swiss news magazine L'Hebdo reported that Kim learned English, German, and French at the school and was remembered by former classmates as being "timid," "introverted," and an "avid skier and basketball player."


KIM speaks English just fine yet MSM says otherwise….FAKE NEWS


Donald J Trump went to the finest Military Academy in the World at age 13….aka West Point….This gives even more validity to the idea that Trump and MI have been planning this long before Trump meet Rodman on the Apprentice. Trump and Rodman did the apprentice in 2009. Same year Kim went to the private English-language boarding school. Trump didnt fire Dennis becuase he was no good, Trump fired him becuase Dennis would work great as an ambassador to NK.