Anonymous ID: 751c4c June 14, 2018, 3:55 p.m. No.1751301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1344



  • Frivolous Lawsuits by Cabal Crooks - suing President Trump on his Birthday !

(yesterday - McCabe suing DOJ/FBI)


Attn: lawfags – why are there no Class Action Lawsuits against any of these criminals?


  1. Sanctuary city Scum politicians - if you live in a sanctuary city - Class Action lawsuit against the Mayor for endangering our citizens' lives. Civil Class action lawsuits against the Governors, Mayors. Libby Schiff ,Moonbeam and Rahm come to mind.


How about some "Class Action" memes targeting these traitors and agencies?


  1. Election Fraud - cities with dead people and illegals voting 3 times - Class Action lawsuit against the agencies that failed to vet fraudulent voters which violates our citizen rights to a fair election.


  1. Water Fluoridation - National Class Action Lawsuit !!


  1. Corrupt Judges who put Illegal alien child rapists and murderers back out onto our streets, endangering the lives of Americans and our children?


  1. Welfare to Illegals - this is HUGE - how has no lawfag jumped on this ? It's ILLEGAL to give our taxpayer money to ILLEGAL ALIENS. I wanna know:


a. WHO is giving permission to the Welfare agencies to approve welfare money, food stamps, housing, child support money, healthcare, education to ILLEGALS who are not eligible under the law to receive such money?


If you apply for anything from the government, don't you have to show ID to prove your eligibility as a US citizen?


b. Is it the Governor, Mayor, Director of Health & Human Services ? - We American citizens have a right to SUE them all because they ARE STEALING OUR MONEY each and every time they give out our citizens money to ILLEGAL ALIENS.


I volunteer to be lead plaintiff in a Civil Class Action if any lawfag wants to take action.


-Why is there no Patriot equivalent of the ultra-cabal ACLU or the Southern Poverty Law Center ???


I know Q says Trust the Plan - and I do - but we anons can't just stay passive and no nothing to help while the leftist scum is highly active in vicious and deadly ways on a daily basis.


Think what a Red Wave of Civil Class Action Lawsuits against the corrupt officials in every state will do to "Optics" the slowly awakening people for the Nov. midterms ……. kek


Remember Q wrote: "class actions are very effective" - let's start suing these cabal crooks who have ruined our health, our wealth and our country!


WWG1WGA Let's hit 'em where it hurts!


"Class actions are very effective" Q