Anonymous ID: 05ae8c Sept. 8, 2022, 4:12 a.m. No.17514016   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If you follow the money then most of the atrocities comes from the Bolshevik Jews that run Wall st and other entities that bribe our Congress (911, Middle East Wars, Big Pharma poisons, etc). There are many non Jews that are more than willing to sell out their fellow man for a few shekels.


Think about how many cops in America said shit about building 7 publicly in the last 21 years now; even though they lost 31 of their own on 911? A BIG FAT FUCKIN ZERO! That's how many.


So this whole game is to take the blame off of the Jews for all worlds problems such as wars and blame them on white supremacy. So the Jews are now using their money to hire only the people who will fight against white people such as stupid libtards. blacks, and they are importing foreigner who are hostile to whites and America. They are giving them all the jobs that the white conservatives use to have and then telling these people that the white person was responsible. The Jews always controlled all the Big Boxes and Wall St and others.


The end goal is being implemented, white genocide, in retaliation for waking up to the real cause of 911 and middle east wars. They'd rather genocide the entire white race then give up a couple of hundred Jews and Satanists who were responsible for 911. FACT, I warned since 911 that these days were coming. I even risked my life trying to warn the corrupt authorities (SS and LI Police) 75 days before the first American got their heads bashed in by BLM. I knew they were planning the pandemic, riots, and murders at health care institutions and tried my best to save lives. Q didn't warn about this until it was well underway.