Feds reeling from new vax study, lawsuits on social media censorship and COVID stat manipulation
New research estimates COVID vax causes at least 18 "serious adverse events" in young adults for every hospitalization prevented. NIH observational study finds "variety of neuropathic symptoms" post-vaccination.
Public health agencies are facing perhaps the most serious threats to their control over information since the COVID-19 pandemic started, playing defense in lawsuits that have already exposed substantial federal involvement in censorship and could next uncloak alleged manipulation of data that has driven COVID policy from the start.
A federal judge ordered White House COVID adviser Anthony Fauci and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to respond to document requests in a First Amendment lawsuit alleging the feds coerced social media companies to stamp out dissenting COVID claims, some of which the feds now acknowledge have merit.
Because of an untimely sick dog, the Justice Department is behind the eight ball in resisting a "special grand jury" to investigate federal officials for decisions that "significantly compromise[d] the accuracy and integrity of COVID-related data."
Oregon state Sens. Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum and naturopath Henry Ealy went to court in March to compel the impaneling, alleging that statistical manipulation caused "a significant hyperinflation of COVID-19 case, hospitalization, and death counts" and $3.5 trillion in resulting fraudulent taxpayer expenditures.
The CDC's universal promotion of new "bivalent" boosters, authorized by the FDA based in part on eight mice, and a White House plan to make the shots annual are also facing headwinds from increasingly high-profile research on vaccine risk versus benefit.