Anonymous ID: 0063cf Sept. 9, 2022, 6:28 a.m. No.17515848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5858 >>6271 >>6292 >>6309 >>6503



The Anti-Christ was never a man, but rather the liberal fantasy embodied by the “Institution”


Once you understand this, everything else falls into place.


People always look back to past genocides and wonder why those who were in the know didn’t try to stop them. Well, now we are witnessing it happening right now before our very eyes under the institutional guise of “caring” for our youth by forcing a dangerous mRNA needle in their arm.


This is no different than the federal government continuing to fund the DARE program when all the evidence shows that the it actually increases the risk of future drug use and addiction, the very outcome It was created to reduce!


Ivan Illich was right. The attempt to legislate the good works taught by Christ via the creation of institutions, first as the Church of Rome and later as the State, provided a nesting place for evil to flourish undetected for centuries.


The “Anti-Christ” was never some mysterious man who was to rise to power deceiving everyone, but rather the liberal fantasy embodied as the “institution,” wearing the mask of care and presuming to do for human “beings” what they can do for each other - “love thy neighbor”.