>Where are the anons?
Anons are here. DNS fuckery is like kryptonite to shills and newfags. That and gorefag kek.
Hmmm, Sept-17 is a Saturday. "Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise" post is Q16. And Q17 is about MI going over the head of corrupt agencies and judges. Seems…'dasting.
Guess Devin Nunes agrees that Nikki Haley is fake MAGA KEK.
Wonder if Jack really was a royal after all?
I'm Related To Dracula Says Prince Charles
100,004 views Jan 26, 2012
Just noticed something, POTUS posted [9] pictures of him and Queenie:
>First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
>First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
>They will fight but you are ready.
>Marker [9].
No problem. And Ghislaine was supposed to be the "first indictment" iirc?
I wish it would be over, but there'll be nothing else like this for the rest of my otherwise ho-hum life anyway so…shadilay!