Anonymous ID: 5cfa86 June 14, 2018, 4:40 p.m. No.1751904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1915 >>2342 >>2379 >>2491

Giuliani: ‘Comey Really Has A Chance Of Being Prosecuted’


President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giulani said Thursday that Comey “really has a chance of being prosecuted” following the bombshell investigator general (IG) report showing former FBI Director James Comey used personal emails on multiple occasions in advance of the 2016 elections.


“The first thing we are going to get is a report from Inspector General Horowitz on Comey’s handling of Hillary, which I think is going to be very, very critical, as it should be. Comey really has a chance of being prosecuted as a result of [his handling of the report], but we’ll see,” Giuliani said on the radio show “The Cats Roundtable” Thursday.


The Department of Justice IG report surfaced Thursday in that described Comey in unfavorable terms. One section of the report focused on describing Comey as “insubordinate”:

7. Insubordination by former Director Comey


The OIG found that former Director Comey was insubordinate when he intentionally concealed from DOJ his intentions regarding the July 5, 2016, announcement and instructed his subordinates to do the same. The FBI does not condone insubordination at any level and will institute training to ensure compliance with policy and the chain of command, as appropriate.


The IG report also stated, “We identified numerous instances in which Comey used a personal email account to conduct unclassified FBI business.”


It continues, “We found that, given the absence of exigent circumstances and the frequency with which the use of personal email occurred, Comey’s use of a personal email account for unclassified FBI business to be inconsistent with Department policy.”

Anonymous ID: 5cfa86 June 14, 2018, 4:45 p.m. No.1751968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MSNBC Admits New Strzok Texts Are Damaging


An MSNBC panel admitted that new anti-Trump texts from FBI agent Peter Strzok that are set to be released in Thursday’s inspector general report are damaging to the FBI.


The IG is set to release a report about the FBI’s conduct during their investigation into former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s emails. The IG reportedly concludes that Comey did not follow FBI protocol during the investigation but that his missteps were not motivated by political bias.


However, the report will also reveal previously un-released texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, FBI colleagues and lovers. In one text, Page asks Strzok, “(Trump’s) not ever going to become president, right?” and Strzok responds, “No…we’ll stop it.”


“That is the first indication of a real political motivation,” MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell said on Thursday afternoon. “Julia, first to you, how damaging is that?”


Julia Ainsley, an NBC News national security and justice reporter, called the text a “gift” to Trump and explained that it shows Strzok and Page may have been trying to bring their political bias into their investigations.


“We know it’s okay for federal law enforcement agents to have political opinions as long as they aren’t influenced by them in doing their work,” Ainsley said. “But this text, and we understand there are more texts that will come out. We have confirmed that. Between these two. They will be in this report. They’ve not been shared with Congress before. These texts could be the most damaging because, as you said, Andrea, they show that influence in the investigations.”



Anonymous ID: 5cfa86 June 14, 2018, 4:49 p.m. No.1752003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2300

America’s Counter-Drug Efforts In Afghanistan Have Failed Completely, Watchdog Says


After over 16 years and almost $9 billion spent, the U.S. government’s counternarcotics programs in Afghanistan have done next to nothing to roll back the country’s opium industry.


In fact, Afghanistan produces more opium in 2018 than it has at any time since the U.S. invasion in 2001 — a record high of about 328,000 hectares of Afghan farmland were under opium poppy cultivation in fiscal year 2017.


All of the opium produced in Afghanistan that year is estimated to be worth between $4.1 billion and $6.6 billion, or 20 to 32 percent of the country’s entire gross domestic product.


The figures are just some of the discouraging findings in the latest report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), the government’s independent watchdog of the Afghanistan war. The report is the fifth in a series of “lessons learned” evaluations and focuses on the combined anti-drug efforts of multiple government agencies, including the Departments of Defense and State, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).


Although American counternarcotics efforts typically receive less attention than military campaigns against the Taliban and other Islamic insurgents, they account for a big chunk of government resources spent on Afghanistan reconstruction. From FY2002 through FY2017, the U.S. government spent roughly $8.62 billion on counternarcotics programs — an average of about $500 million per year.


Despite the investment, poppy cultivation remains more pervasive — and lucrative — than ever, according to SIGAR. Afghanistan remains the world’s most prolific opium producer, and opium poppies are by far the country’s largest cash crop.


Putting the scope of the opium industry in perspective, SIGAR estimates that poppy farming and related activity provide about 590,000 full-time jobs, which is more than the entire strength of Afghanistan’s security forces.


To date, not one counter-drug program implemented by the U.S. or the Afghan government has resulted in lasting reductions in poppy cultivation or opium production, according to the SIGAR report. The watchdog attributed the lack of success in part to short-sighted crop eradication policies, widespread Afghan government corruption, and a Taliban insurgency continues to destabilize large swaths of the country.


SIGAR also questioned whether the U.S. military’s recent focus on conducting airstrikes on Taliban drug labs will prove effective. Similar campaigns in the past “only had limited impact on longer-term efforts to dismantle drug trafficking networks and cut off financing for the insurgency,” the report stated, adding that anti-drug airstikes that mistakenly kill civilians could alienate the Afghan population and boost support for the Taliban.


Part of the problem is that the Taliban, which banned poppy cultivation when it controlled Afghanistan, now works hand-in-hand with opium producers. The insurgents take a cut of the profits up and down the opium value chain, and in return, they shield farmers and drug producers from Afghan government anti-drug forces.


Ultimately, there is little hope of progress on the anti-drug front as long as the security situation in Afghanistan remains unstable, SIGAR said.


“It is simply unrealistic to expect significant progress from counternarcotics efforts without being able to exert reasonable and persistent levels of control over land area and transportation routes,” SIGAR chief John Sopko said Thursday in a speech at the New America think tank in Washington, D.C.



Anonymous ID: 5cfa86 June 14, 2018, 4:54 p.m. No.1752062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trey Gowdy Wants Answers For ‘Differing Accounts’ On Scott Pruitt Allegations


House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman Trey Gowdy wants an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) whistleblower to reconcile “differing accounts” of his allegations against Administrator Scott Pruitt.


Rep. Gowdy sent a letter to former EPA staffer Kevin Chmielewski, asking the former Trump campaign official to testify before the committee to reconcile conflicting accounts of claims made against his former boss.


“There remain numerous questions of fact concerning these matters,” Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican, wrote to Chmielewski.


Gowdy said committee staff had interviewed “numerous” EPA officials, asking them about allegations Chmielewski made against Pruitt. In April, Chmielewski gave Democratic lawmakers a list accusations against Pruitt, from overspending to ethical lapses.


Yet, at least some of Chmielewski’s claims have been challenged by other EPA officials and in media reports.


For example, Chmielewski told Democrats that former head of Pruitt’s security detail Nino Perrotta entered into “a $30,000 contract with private Italian security personnel” ahead of Pruitt’s attendance of a G7 summit in Italy.


Perrotta denied it and sources familiar with the matter pointed out that Pruitt’s head of security did not have the authority to unilaterally enter into such a contract.


The Washington Free Beacon also reported Chmielewski inflated his military service on “the resume he used to secure positions in the Trump administration.” His resume claims he served in the U.S. Coast Guard for three years, but a Coast Guard spokeswoman said he actually served for less than one year.


“To examine these facts, and particularly to reconcile what has amounted to differing accounts, we must take your testimony,” Gowdy wrote to Chmielewski.


Gowdy’s investigation into Pruitt’s actions is just one of several ongoing in Congress and by federal investigators. Democrats, environmentalists and some conservative pundits have called on Pruitt to resign.


President Donald Trump, however, has praised Pruitt’s performance at EPA, saying he’s done a good job rolling back Obama-era regulations and putting the administration’s policies in place.



Anonymous ID: 5cfa86 June 14, 2018, 4:59 p.m. No.1752111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2175 >>2200

Sarah Sanders To Jim Acosta: ‘It’s Hard For You To Understand’


White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta got into a spat over the administration’s policy on immigrant children Thursday.



Acosta started the tense moment by referencing WH policy on separating illegal immigrant children from their parents, asking Sanders, “Where does it say in the Bible that it’s moral to take children away from their mothers?”


Sanders shot back that it is “very biblical” to enforce the law.


“That is actually repeated a number of times throughout the Bible,” she said.


Acosta asked Sanders to talk specifically about comments made by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sanders told him she hadn’t yet seen the comments.


“I know it’s hard for you to understand even short sentences, I guess, but, and please don’t take my words out of context but the separation of illegal alien families is the product of the same legal loopholes that Democrats refuse to close,” Sanders said as reporters laughed, guffawed and complained about her jab at Acosta’s intelligence.



Anonymous ID: 5cfa86 June 14, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.1752151   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IG Report: FBI Never Designated Hillary Clinton as ‘Subject’ of Classified Email Probe

NEW YORK — The Justice Department’s internal watchdog division documented in its report released today that the FBI’s criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s misuse of her private email server never actually designated Clinton as a subject or target of the official probe.


This news comes even though former FBI Director James Comey described Clinton as the subject during his overview to the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General, which released its 500-page report today. The report also documented how Comey and former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe were highly involved in overseeing the probe.


The report quotes Randall Coleman, the former assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, as expressing shock that the FBI investigation remained designated as “unknown subject(s),” known within the FBI as UNSUB, even as it became clear the investigation started to focus on Clinton.


“We certainly started looking more closely at the Secretary because they were her emails,” Coleman told the Inspector General’s office. “I don’t know [why] that was the case, why it was UNSUB. I’m really shocked that it would have stayed that way because certainly the investigation started really kind of getting more focused.”


On July 10, 2015, the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division opened its criminal probe, but never named Clinton as a subject at any time.



Anonymous ID: 5cfa86 June 14, 2018, 5:07 p.m. No.1752197   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White House Does Not Endorse Paul Ryan Immigration Bill, Fails Trump’s Four Pillars


White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders did not offer an endorsement of any immigration bills when asked during Thursday’s press conference about two Republican bills, including Speaker Paul Ryan’s new bill that offers a form of amnesty.


The press secretary repeatedly pointed back to the immigration plan that President Donald Trump laid out months ago. That plan involved four pillars required for him to approve an immigration bill.


Sanders was asked if the President had a preference between one of two Republican immigration bills being brought to the forefront at the moment.


“The President’s already laid out a proposal that closes the legal loopholes and provides the resources to secure out border,” Sanders replied. “If the process leads to a permanent solution as outlined by the President then we would support it.”


Portions of a draft of Ryan’s bill reveal that it does not meet the four pillars requirement that President Donald Trump firmly laid out last January as requirements for an immigration bill deal.


Sanders didn’t answer a question about whether the president has looked at the two proposals yet. She simply replied, “we’ve laid out what we want to see and if this gets to a permanent solution then we would support it.”


A reporter asked if the Trump administration blames the Democrats for not closing those loopholes, given that Republicans now control both houses of Congress, though don’t hold a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Sanders replied, “Look, if a handful of Democrats wanted to solve this problem, we could quickly get it done, but they don’t. And they’ve refused to come to the table and actually be part of a solution instead of just playing political games and attacking the president.”


“The majority of Republicans support fixing the loopholes, the president wants to work with them,” said Sanders. “We want to get something done and we’ve laid out a proposal to do that and we are hopeful that Congress, particularly Democrats in Congress, will come together and actually fix the system.”


She repeatedly said that the President wants to fix the loopholes and that the President has laid out what he wants to see in a bill to fix immigration problems. “We’d like to see a permanent solution to fix the loopholes and secure the border,” she said.


“He wants to see all of the different components that we laid out several months ago addressed, and if any of the legislation comes to the table that would create a permanent solution that does that, then we would support it,” said Sanders.



Anonymous ID: 5cfa86 June 14, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.1752340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2360

Hungarian PM: ‘Population Replacement Underway in Europe, Speculators Like Soros Hope to Profit from Its Ruination’


Hungary’s Viktor Orbán has warned that another “high tide” of mass migration is approaching, and that financial speculators like George Soros hope to profit from the “ruination of Europe” via that mass migration.


In a Kossuth Radio discussion on the growing flood of illegal migrants into Balkan countries just outside the European Union — Bosnia has seen arrivals surge by 600 to 700 per cent in recent months — Prime Minister Orbán warned Europe was “seeing signs of a new migration wave, of a rising tide following a low tide; it’s rising now, and this poses a challenge.”


“We’ve managed to ensure that now every migrant knows that they shouldn’t follow the path marked by the signpost pointing to Hungary,” he said, referring to the robust border wall he built at the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, and the anti-illegal immigration ‘Stop Soros’ legislative package currently passing through the Hungarian parliament.


Tens of thousands of migrants are simply rerouting around Hungary to reach the generous welfare states of Western and Northern Europe, however — with the new Orbán-aligned populist coalition in Austria warning that it may seal its southern border with Slovenia as a result. Bosnia, in turn, warns that they will respond by sealing their southern borders with Serbia and Montenegro, to forestall a situation where migrants travelling north through their territory en route to Austria become bottled up after their path is blocked.


Prime Minister Orbán encouraged Serbia and neighbouring Macedonia to secure their own borders — some of the first which illegal migrants on the Balkan route cross — to prevent serious disruption, and offered them assistance to do so.



Austria Police, Army to Stage Border Defence War Games as Balkans Warn 80,000 Migrants Headed North


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 13, 2018


“It’s worth fighting against a force that is stronger than us – against a force like George Soros and his army,” he declared, after the topic of the billionaire’s activities in the Balkans was broached. “We’ve played a role in this network being exposed, as we brought it out into the open, and now they have to openly state their goals. They want immigration. The replacement of populations and peoples is underway in Europe, partly because speculators like George Soros can make large financial profits. They are set on the ruination of Europe, because they’re hoping for large profits,” he said.



Anonymous ID: 5cfa86 June 14, 2018, 5:24 p.m. No.1752377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2416


They kept the poppies because it made money for the cabal black operations, no other reason than that, it wasn't for the benefit of the Afgan people. I am sure they can figure out what they need to grow without our help.

Anonymous ID: 5cfa86 June 14, 2018, 5:36 p.m. No.1752494   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I believe we will witness a world wide awakening, it's happening in places many of us would have never thought possible in another moment in time.