Anonymous ID: 670008 June 14, 2018, 5:33 p.m. No.1752463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2627

FBI Director Wray Defends the Swamp in Press Conference After IG Report Released ‘No Evidence of Political Bias’ (VIDEO)


FBI Director Christopher Wray held a press conference on Thursday afternoon from the FBI headquarters in DC after the IG report was released.


Wray defended the swamp; he said the IG report “did not find any evidence of political bias or improper considerations actually impacting the investigation under review.”


This is outrageous.


Americans are disgusted after reading more anti-Trump text messages from FBI agents.


What a disgrace.

The top officials at the FBI and DOJ hated Donald Trump and his supporters.


The Deep State hacks called Trump supporters: F***ing Idiots, Sad, Pathetic, Retarded.


Fox News reported:


The report revealed instant messages between unnamed agents, labeled “Agent 1” and “Agent 5,” discussing their jobs in August 2016.


“I find anyone who enjoys [this job] an absolute f—ing idiot. If you don’t think so, ask them one more question. Who are you voting for? I guarantee you it will be Donald Drumpf,” Agent 1 sent.


“I forgot about drumpf…that’s so sad and pathetic if they want to vote for him,” Agent 5 responded. “Someone who can’t answer a question. Someone who can’t be professional for even a second.”


In September, Agent 1 and 5 conversed again, bashing Trump supporters as “retarded.”


“I’m trying to think of a ‘would I rather’ instead of spending time with those people,” Agent 5 sent.


Agent 1 asked, “stick your tongue in a fan??”


Agent 5 later wrote: “I would rather have brunch with trump and a bunch of his supporters like the ones from ohio that are retarded.”


The report did not, however, find evidence connecting those political opinions held by FBI officials to decisions made in the Clinton investigation.


Futher, the report said that while it found no evidence the views influenced investigative decisions, “five employees” have been referred for investigation into whether the messages violated FBI code.


“The FBI will handle these referrals pursuant to the FBI’s disciplinary investigation and adjudication processes, and will impose disciplinary measures as warranted,” the report read.


It is unclear which five FBI employees have been referred for investigation.


An FBI spokesperson told Fox News Thursday they were not able to comment on the names of the five employees referred for investigation.


Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok also sent his mistress a text message saying “we’ll stop” Trump from becoming President.


This text message from Strzok was sent to Page 9 days after “Crossfire Hurricane” was opened and 6 days before the “insurance policy” text.


No political bias though…


FBI Director Wray isn’t even taking this seriously.

The press conference was more smoke and mirrors.


A few soundbites from Christopher Wray:


“We need to hold ourselves accountable for the choices we make and the work we do.”


“The report does identify errors of judgment, violations of or even disregard for policy and decisions that at the very least, with the benefit of hindsight, were not the best choices.”


“We’re gonna make sure that every FBI employee understands the lessons of this report.”


“There’s some sobering lessons in there and we’re gonna learn those lessons and we’re gonna act on those lessons.”


Paul Sperry blasted FBI Director Wray.

Anonymous ID: 670008 June 14, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.1752562   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Watchdog Says FBI Wasn’t Politically Biased in 2016, But Texts Reveal Otherwise


The office tasked with reviewing the US Justice Department and FBI released a report Thursday that found a litany of mistakes in how the FBI handled a number of sensitive investigations leading up the 2016 US elections – but that came to the possibly dubious conclusion that the FBI was not in the end politically biased in its actions.


Much more in link