Powerful stuff
OK, I buy it was a missile hit the pentagon, so where did the plane and passengers go?
767's are hard to hide.
The truth is a heavy weight to carry.
Heels up is Wheels up.
Set local DNS entries in etc/hosts to resolve 8kun IP addressesโฆ
Find etc/hosts. In windows 10 it is at:
Add this exactly at the end of the file. 8kun.top sys.8kun.top
If the IP addresses ever change you will need to delete these lines.
4 planes were reported destroyed with passengers on them. One passenger was alledgedly a Fox/CNN contributor Barbara Olsen. If the planes did not hit the buildings, where did they and their passengers go?
Not contradicting, just asking the next logical question.
All press coverage today is accumulating death, doom and gloom.
Most of it appears to be clown bullshit.
Setting the stage for something bigger?
So what you are saying is if you just randomly replace letters, you can Jew-iup the whole message.
Fukn moran shill.
Cant upload images right now.
Slow bread.
No shill bots sliding I guess.
Fair point
Watch the water.
Takes patience is all.
EXEC1F out of Wilmington DE.
Potatus on the move?
Mass media laying the groundwork for the coming insurrection.
Communism will rise out of the ashes to 'save' the survivors.
I'm totally gutted.
I, and everyone else have been actively seeking your approval for years now.
I guess my life has been wasted.
Shitposters Chuck. We have the best.
Planefags on watch.
Not a flood.