just thought of this
RayChan connects with 'Chinatown"
'she' closely matches a Chandler, Otis . , who ran the L.A. Times for a long time, of the family who owned it and founded it.
The Movie 'Chinatown" by Roman Polanski and starring Jack Nickelson was suspected to have been based on a story from that family; where the powerful male father had a child by his daughter.. The movie centered around the obtaining of water ( for the creating of Los Angeles as a major metropolis) (said to be based on a true story). The Chandler progenitor, Harry, made a ton of money in Real Estate and owned a good part of the whole city - even apparently erected the 'Hollywood' sign, originally 'Hollywoodland', to promote the Real Estate development he bought - the wealth all a result of bringing in the water frm the mid-region of the state.
'Watch the Water' - fictionalized in the
'Chinatown' movie.
Harry looks suspiciously like a pedo?