Fact: Q+ once said vote for Mitch he's swell.
Fact: Now Q+ says that Mitch sure is a nigger.
Fact: Q+ once said vote for Mitch he's swell.
Fact: Now Q+ says that Mitch sure is a nigger.
PDJT would have said the same about Mitch back in the day.
The point is that Kevin isn't above criticism if he does something shilly just because PDJT likes him now.
As history has shown, PDJT will turn on someone later when warranted.
That said, yeah, Kevin has been better lately after rolling over on some of Nancy's bs earlier in the year.
Yes, that appears to be the case.
And, if Kevin rolls over later in the House again, then I'm sure PDJT will turn the same heat on Kevin that he's now turning on Mitch.
If/when MAGA candidates btfo everyone else in their way in the midterms then the Trump mandate will begin in 2023 even without him in the WH.
There's no way Mitch keeps his majority position in the Senate if R-MAGA retakes the Senate.
Same applies to Kevin as Speaker if he tries to pull any Mitch style RINO moves.
kek - that's all any of us can do in this crazy timeline even with max discernment turned on
Also, it's not out of the realm of possibility that The Plan calls for them to cheat one last time.
Only this time so blatantly obvious is obvious that even the blue check marks won't bother trying to defend it.
That's one path to get the vast majority out on The Precipice in sufficient numbers.
The number of wrecked FedEx vehicles I've seen in articles the last 12 hours has been staggering.
I don't think turnout will be a problem.
Some patriots may be wtf for about it out of frustration at times and shills are running their don't vote scripts of course.
But, MAGA will be voting in yuge numbers this year when the time comes.
So, any cheating to counteract that will need to be equally yuge and obvious.
kek - you just wanted an excuse to make a Starship Troopers reference
>Freddy became way moar popular after he left
BRT Muh Girlfriend seems to be following the same pattern.
That's why in the past it was a bit puzzling when PDJT was pushing early voting in his Tweets.
He's not doing that at all now thankfully.
r u human?
Begone bot you have no right to be here alongside anons!
>t. Ghost of Tiresias
It's that time of the breadโฆ