NBC REPORTER Brandy Zadrozny has appointed herself the “go to” expert on “conspiracy theories.” She is gaslighting us in about the same way that the ADL and other Jewish groups often do. She speaks of conspiracy theories as if there never were any such thing as a true one. What that means, of course, is that either 1) conspiracies never happen, neither in business nor in politics, or 2) that if conspiracies do happen, then it simply would not be possible for any of us stuuuuupid plebs to ever figure out the general aims of, and probable parties to, any conspiracy by watching what goes on in the world, putting the pieces together, and getting it figured out.
You may remember that as recently as 1995, the idea that there was a conspiracy in which Gentile politicians in Western countries were lured into acts of pedophilia which were surreptitiously videoed by Jewish Zionists for the purpose of blackmailing them, and through them controlling the countries that those politicians were elected to lead, was denounced as “anti-Semitism” by Jewish groups such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
Then in 2000 came two major pedophilia scandals, one in Brazil (search this site or the Web for Arie Scher and George Schteinberg) and the other in Italy, Sweden, Russia, and the United States, both of them implicating Jews as the major perpetrators. Jeffrey Epstein was convicted later for committing pedophilic acts himself, and, later still, he was indicted for trafficking in child prostitutes to top political figures in the US and the United Kingdom.
And in the years between Scher and Epstein, other scandals involving Jewish traffickers in child pornography and/or child prostitution emerged.
For about fifteen years, Jewish organizations were doing their damnedest to muddy the waters, distort the facts, gaslight the public, and accuse anyone who thought that there might be something to the conspiracy theory after all, despite anything the ADL and the SPLC might want to have us believe.
Well. Now that Epstein is dead and Ghislaine Maxwell is singing, we know that the conspiracy theorists were on the right track all along. We know that what Jewish groups say about Jewish doings is completely unreliable; they cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
In one of her pieces, Zadrozny admits that conspiracies do exist, but claims that all of the theories about them discussed by conservatives and right-wingers are lies. Only the ones put forward by leftists are correct, she says.
She has it backwards.