John 3:19
And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
John 3:19
And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
Reminds me of what JP said the Soviets did in the Great Depression in the 30s…..posted notices that you should not eat your children.
Communists seem to hate farmers, or, more likely, millions of people that the farmers sell food to.
Hey, didn't Bill Gates just become the largest private farmer in America?
satan hasn't gone away for over 6000 years.
He's not even in the process of going away.
He's in the process of going public.
satan always wanted to be worshiped as god.
Now he has his one world government, his one world religion, and soon, his one world currency. Not to mention it's a total surveillance state.
One of the (many) problems today's people are going to have in grasping this reality is that he can also appear as an angel of light.
he can be beautiful.
he is hyper-intelligent.
he could, if left unchecked, wipe out humanity at his leisure.
The wake-up call for avoiding his NWO/Great Reset kingdom is blaring, loudly.
Watchmen are on High Alert for the next two weeks.
The highest Alert there is.
People are not questioning why the FBI was involved with the abandonment/theft of someone's diary/journal.
Because that's what the FBI does?
Hunts down lost journals?
What an historical oddity, especially considering that the King is about to be crowned.
Truly odd times.
You could build that entire building in China before you could get a permit to do a survey in the US.
Pence is a gray man; he's so invisible even kings can't see him.
Three rules not to be poor in America, and you violated at least one of them.
Hint: Babies should not have a possibility of attending your wedding.
Holy hell is that inverted from reality. Guess they're really desperate for those PP kickbacks.
Wow, next they'll hypothesize that the missing moon bits constitute the rings.
Much progress.
Much science.
Sending out 50,000 pink slips on Day One is a nice start.
Can't believe he stuck with King Charles, as King Charles I and King Charles II were complete pieces of shit, and he could have gone with George. King George VII.
Would have fit in with our King George III narrative nicely.
Well, the image of the antichrist can walk, talk, and kill folks, so it's pretty clear that hard AI is in our near future.
AI can already dominate in chess, Go, Jeopardy, etc. Now its turned its attention to producing art. Oh, and killbots. Really good at killbots.
What other claim would a man make than that he is god, for having created (artificial) life?
Men: 20 pullups will get you 100 points on your Personal Fitness Test.
Women: Holding this position for 60 seconds will get you 100 points on your Personal Fitness Test.
If the standards were the same, nobody would care about your junk.