Anonymous ID: 815a00 Sept. 16, 2022, 5:12 a.m. No.17526998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7014


Leavitt story been out of the news for months.

Almost like they scared about what's coming.


Wonder if this dig bun still active.


all pb

Leavitt Satanic Ritual Abuse and Cannibalism Dig


>>16396016 News report: "Allegations of ritualistic child sexual abuse to murder and cannibalism"

>>16396041 Daily Beast Fake News Spins Utah County case into muh Qanon conspiracy theory

>>16396058 Here is an article written by Chelom Leavitt about how to talk to kids about sex. Pedos gonna pedo. She's a sex therapist.

>>16396064 Chelom got a book deal too.

>>16396081 FUGITIVE rape suspect Nicholas Rossi has been slammed for accusing the prosecutor who is trying to extradite him back to the US of “ritualised child sex abuse”.

>>16396135 8 girls and only 1 male child (that survived)?

>>16396163 Both David and Chelom Leavitt worked as attornies in Ukraine.

>>16396166 Leavitt up to armpits

>>16396278 Chelom Leavitt: Fullbright Fellow, Ukraine, Penn State. ran a research study in Ukraine on how religious and secular traditions were associated with couple and parent-child relationship well-being.

>>16396300 I just knew this would come back to Romney.

>>16396495 and Bush. Was George W's HHS secretary. Brother Mike was Governor of Utah.

>>16396518 Father was founder of the Leavitt Group, one of the largest independent insurance brokerages in the nation. Also a Utah Politician.

>>16396349 The Leavitt Institute. Chelom and David took their family to Ukraine then created the TLI

>>16396427 some Micahel O Leavitt hits in State Department FOIAs

>>16396495 David Mike related sauce. David a counselor at Moldovan National Institute of" Justice"

>>16396233 Mike is A Seasoned Diplomat

>>16396124, >>16396407 Here is his wife talking about how to teach your 0-7 year old about sex. Why can't they just let kids be kids?

>>16396636 Brother Eric. SUU Awards Honorary Degrees to Dr. Condoleezza Rice and Eric O. Leavitt



>>16396751 Matthew Leavitt worked for Facebook.

>>16396799 William R Leavitt who works for USAID and pops up in the Wikileaks Clinton emails

>>16396764, >>16396769, >>16397032 at the alleged cannibal's institute, they were EATING like there's no tomorrow



>>16397667 Leavitt reflects on time in Ukraine. Yushchenko poisoned with dioxin, a contaminant in AgentOrange

>>16397672 Chelom and David became close friends with Yushchenko and his wife, Kateryna.

>>16397712, >>16397716, >>16397753, >>16397761 Six current and former prosecutors in the Utah County Attorney’s Office sent a declaration of no confidence in Leavitt. This no confidence declaration makes him sound a bit soros backed

>>16397802, >>16396764 (PB) Check out the books on the shelf in this "recruitment video" for the Leavitt Institute who apparently works with USAID. BOURNE, Lewis Carroll

>>16397918 The first book the Mormon's published in Deseret (their supposed written script) was Alice in Wonderland.

>>16397736, >>16397901, >>16398050, >>16398152 DAVID LEAVITT AND CONNECTIONS TO VICTOR YUSHCHENKO. Good Line / Clinton Global Initiative

>>16398050 Bunlets of Related Posts – all PB. Other Utah Investigation posts. Recent Orange Revolution Comms. David Leavitt and friends

>>16398199 Lawmakers pass bill targeting Utah County Attorney’s progressive policies

>>16397718, >>16397724, >>16397741 Nicholas Rossi. Nicholas Alahverdian. Tattoos gave fugitive away. arrested last month at Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital under the name “Arthur Knight”.

>>16397616 Leavitt Satanic Ritual Abuse Dig from Bread #20733

>>16398186 Local Fox: Sheriff's office asks for tips and encouraged victims to come forward



>>16398309, >>16398186 (PB) is this THE arrest?

>>16398351 I've been trying to point out the Mormon's on here for years. Finger Lakes, Noname, Romney/cartels, Hanks

>>16398874, >>16398324, >>16398328 Every time I post something about Mormon's the shills come out in force. muh slide. Is that you Mrs L?



>>16399768 Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith is holding a press conference at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday in response to Utah County Attorney David Leavitt’s call for his resignation

>>16399477 Previous Bun



>>16402426 UCSO is investigating a series of reports alleging “ritualistic child sexual abuse” and a sex trafficking ring perpetrated by high-profile individuals in the state for over two decades

>>16402526 I wonder why Chelom Leavitt had a shipping container delivered from China?

>>16402593 Live Q&A: Utah Sheriff Investigating Ritual Abuse and Cannibalism | Crossroads with Joshua Philipp

>>16402690 The Leavitt Institute logo

>>16402696 Danielle Leavitt-Quist is a gender studies major at Harvard.

Anonymous ID: 815a00 Sept. 16, 2022, 5:18 a.m. No.17527014   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> arrested last month at Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital under the name “Arthur Knight”.

forgot about that bit. interdasting timing coincidence.

Will drop the rest in case anons want to dig

all lb

Leavitt Satanic Ritual Abuse and Cannibalism Dig

>>16404625 bun 1

>>16402526 I wonder why Chelom Leavitt had a shipping container delivered from China?



>>16404073 Wew lads. No wonder THEY need so many shootings to control the news cycle.

>>16403910 Things are getting spicy in Utah

>>16402526 PB, >>16403816, >>16403845, >>16403863 Chelom Leavitt shipping container dig

>>16403963, >>16403973 a shipping container delivered from China. April of 2020, from China, Maybe BALLOTS?

>>16403890 Child sex trafficking in Utah counties now confirmed



>>16404673 3 shipments to 3 different people. all on 2020-04-26. ASTGHIK MARKOSYAN. CHELOM LEAVITT. and BRENDA SANDER

>>16404823 Astghik Markosyan is an Alumni Coordinator Assistant at Birthright Armenia based in Tinton Falls, New Jersey

>>16405050 Astghik Markosyan: oh look, DELAWARE



>>16405416 Shipping container to BRENDA SANDER. Dix Hills NY Long Island. Children & Family Services around the corner

>>16405933 Fake News digs into the old playbook, pulls out "Satanic Panic".

>>16405392 Previous Bun



>>16407022 ASTGHIK MARKOSYAN. Delaware shipping address is Globbing LLC



>>16408546, >>16408607, >>16408625, >>16408632 Senator from Montana, Jon 'The Meat Man' Tester and allegations of cannibalism.- NeonRevolt (Not a fan)

>>16408658, >>16408665, >>16408671 Delaware container shipping address is Globbing LLC. Founded by Armenian David Harutyunyan. So far Armenia only found Globbing connection to ASTGHIK MARKOSYAN

>>16408722 Ballot theory theorizing Bethpage NY



>>16409594 A while back, anon posted a video testimony from a Mormon ritual abuse survivor. Whole family of sisters were abused. Musical family. Perhaps repost if anyone has it

>>16409611 Supplier and Importer listed as Feng Jing. Syosset NY

>>16409652 also found at that address Zhi Chen Feng. Same Feng as in this Holder Lawsuit?



>>16410465, >>16410472, >>16410562 memo written by Bishop Glenn L Pace about Ritualistic Child Abuse in the Mormon Church from 1990


>#20761 through #20792 not scanned for info


#20793 NEW

>>16433430 (PB), >>16433432 (PB) Quite Frankly: Zell bros discuss their investigation into David Leavitt. may not have been discussed previously.

>>16435781 Moar. Frank & Jim Zell investigation of Leavitt case in Utah.

>>16435795 Leavitt owns a lot of people in this community, including the County Commissioners. Utah County Commissioners Setting Their Sights On Sheriff Mike Smith




>Mormon Chronicle link with Bishop Pace letter appears to have been shoahed.


>Thought I archived but not showing in or in wayback.