Happy Friday Frens
BritFag has got a 3 day weekend due to death of the witch, although that probably doesn't make up for the POS embezzelling my fucking tax money all her life.
Looking forward to Monday just for the 4 year Q deltas alone.
Happy Friday Frens
BritFag has got a 3 day weekend due to death of the witch, although that probably doesn't make up for the POS embezzelling my fucking tax money all her life.
Looking forward to Monday just for the 4 year Q deltas alone.
Cheers anon.
Diana is one factor for sure, although the fact that he was best friends with Jimmy savile seems to be causing him more grief.
While other establishment figures claimed they didn't know Jimmy was a pedo and a child trafficker, when you have 3 intel agencies that answer directly to you, that shit doesn't wash for the Royals. When you add in that Epstein was best friends with Andrew, it's even worse optics.
That said, there are still a lot of patriots that don't understand how the royals have screwed us over, so a lot of them still back Harry and William especially
Looks like the cladding is on fire