Anonymous ID: 374907 June 14, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.1754060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4080 >>4081

>q said the report would be highly redacted and that the redactions would have to be [removed]


uhh its literally plain text and you can copy paste from it with absolutely no blackout whatsoever?


why do i continue to believe this larp?

Anonymous ID: 374907 June 14, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.1754171   🗄️.is 🔗kun


dude how does an appendix being classified count as a redaction, thats how they protect sources and methods


it's a 500 page document produced by an oversight entity, of course it has edits


answer me this, Qtie

>where is there any indication that rod rosenstein played a part in the production of this report, besides reviewing it for a couple of minor redactions in the appendix?

>why would horowitz even let him edit his own wording?

>in horowitz' own words he claims he couldn't find political bias in comey's actions lol

>horowitz found all this evidence of FBI corruption, and indicated that comey mishandled the hillary case, but specifically covered for hillary


Q told us to trust this guy (horowitz) stop acting like i'm not on your team i'm just trying to get you to see the light that maybe Q is a larp