Anonymous ID: 689a26 June 14, 2018, 7:51 p.m. No.1754111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4203



Yesterday we had not one, but two totally “fake news” stories (Cohen to flip, Sanders to quit). Both were retracted within hours, but still more of the same.


The real news of the day went unnoticed. Don McGahn, former White House Counsel had a bombshell: he said that the WH Counsel’s office-—the president’s lawyers, who exist to protect him-—recused from the Mulehead investigation because they had been “significant participants.”


This opened the door for Trump to bring in Ty Cobb, and later Emmett Flood. (Why do these Trump lawyers all sound like 1950s baseball players? Today for the Trumpians, in centerfield Ty Cobb, at first base Emmett Flood, at shortstop Jay Sekelow, and pitching, Rudy Guliani . . .”)


Ok, so what does this mean? It means Trump was basically defenseless for many months. Mulehead had a free run at him legally. Yet we’re a year and a half in and nothing?


To me this news only leaves three options:

1) The WH Counsel’s office was part of the coup. It was deliberate that they recuse, allowing Trump to be defenseless, whereupon he could be removed.

2) The recusal was set up to allow Trump to bring in private lawyers. Not sure what that accomplished.

3) The recusal didn’t matter because Trump was never in any danger because he hired Mulehead, he was never a “target,” Mulehead had other purposes, and Trump wasn’t worried.


Finally, Sessions, in his speech yesterday, mentioned Podesta. Hmmm. Why Podesta, out of the blue?


We may be seeing a tremendous amount of fake news and froth because the OIG report is so brutal. I’m hearing we do not need to worry about redactions in the report itself.


The above isn't mine.


Article is a good read too.