Anonymous ID: b178bf June 14, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.1753743   🗄️.is 🔗kun < NY times article into mind control soft disclosure < Jim Guest Court Case (Republican / Aerospace Engineer) < Who owns your genes? Connect ACLU to 23&Me and the above and we have a connection! - US/Russia Mind Control

23&Me - PATENTING GENES - ACLU - Youtube - Google - MK Ultra - NSA - Veitnam - Republican - Kennedy - Brain Tumor - Wedontsayhisname - Cloning - Darpa - F9 - FACEBOOK - Building 8 - CHINA - 99% IN HOSPITAL IF TRUTH - Q ANON - US ANONS

<Pics Related

Senator Kennedy outspoken member, MK Ultra Vet war suing US gov - Brain, Central Nervous System, Visual Cortices


Republican Jim Guest to Meet with Senator Kennedy but cancelled Senator Kennedy gets Brain Tumor.

US/Russia Mind Control




and Groups

(((Mind-Controlled People)))

Cults and

Secret Societies

Gangs and

Organized Crime

Control and Abuse Basics 1

Deception: Hidden and disguised recruitment, training, and activities.

Debility: Physical, biological, and psychological attacks weaken individuals.

Dependency: Tactics and drugs employed destroy self-sufficiency and force reliance on manipulators.

Dread: Cruelty and confusion techniques create depression, uncertainty, numbness, fear, and rage.

Dysfunctions: Methods cause memory loss (amnesia), blocking of awareness (dissociation), hypnotic trance, and mindless obedience.

Double Amnesia: Procedures make people unaware of their lost memories (amnesia for amnesia).

Derangement: Diminished thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are replaced with induced responses.

Control and Abuse Methods

1)Individuals are manipulated, isolated, and debilitated.

2)People are conditioned by disguised training, torture, drugs, electroshock, and hypnosis.

3)Tactics cause amnesia, dissociation, trance, and automatic compliance.

4)Controllers manage the people and situations.

5)Imposed behaviors are reinforced and events covered up.

(((Continuous Cycle)))


A-Controller /// B-Mind Controlled People

A.Dominate people by concealed methods.

B.Molded into roles such as informer, enforcer, courier, performer, lover, etc.


A.Use signals (post-hypnotic cues) to trigger conditioned responses.

B.Repeatedly react with controllers’ prepared behaviors.


A.The signals include gestures, lights, symbols, words, sounds, smells, touches, substances, etc.

B.Made to obey but don’t know the signals and believe abusers’ ideas are their own thoughts and motives.


A.Coordinate the exploitation and secrecy.

B.Usually unaware of the hidden conditioning, control, and activities.