some dumbfuck should suck his farts
rub your big nose on his rushin gas pipe meta
top secret fake nazi juw hoax presidnts are struggeling to suk rushin farts from gaslighting gaspipes for his cousin conflict diamonds
really retarded dellusional trannywhores struggle wiff tRUMP tax hoax dillema bot pamming in the closet after second divorce and kids dont call back seo campaign force deep and dumb despotic question bout assholes and faggot
>>17535743 murdered tranny tries to get spiritual over murder shekels
hoax to hoax
still missing after sons battle of colon cancer
lloyd's colon cancer struggles before gas chamber suicide stole pecker for FIB agent mangina
75 years as jfkPEDO undercover FIB agent doxxin jimmies wiff CP lost to lloyd's sweet colon that got cancer
no longer in the mcaffee methed out closet