ty baker
>When the Chosen on Returns
it's vector, Victor
remember when all those Polish heads of state died in a plane crash right after OZero took office?
do you suppose they will ever get revenge?
just sayin
I had to edit out the K when I originally typed it because I knew that was Russian
I'd be more worried about what Ukraine has been developing.
I am all for public humiliation for sex crimes and other crimes
If there are any spaceflight fans out there I found two great space channels on YT
There's not a lot of big bang and evolution crap pushed down your throat
I didn't like that Bond ie Moore
well that garb you are wearing makes you look like one of them
it makes a great target
here's you Logan's run girl in a movie called Walkabout
chilled and unimpressed with big words that will change nothing
it's not the subject I have an issue with, it's just you, thinking you are all that
get your eyes checked
Buck Henry did a thing on SNL where he was baBYsittng and paying his two young nieces dimes and quarters to show their underwear
why do you insert nervous into each remark?
you are acting like our fucking media making accusations without evidence
we're done
also bodacious, but she'd shoot ya in the back
couldn't wait to retire from retail and all jobs for good
found with Yandex
I guess I am completely lost on the Hogg thing
Old Glory
the flag the flew over Ft McKinley had 15 stripes
that's the Boy Scout hand-sign
Sanchez went to Canal St in Nogales Arizona. She said I have to check you first. I am going to put some tequila on you down there.
Sanchez didn't know he was being tested for VD by the hooker and that if he responded with anything other than "oooh that's cold" he wasn't getting any
not a joke - been hearing stories about the border all my life
I got the Ft name wrong
do you see that sash? I lost mine a long time ago and have tried to contact the BS about recreating it from records, but when you search on records, its seems to be law suit oriented, at least the last two times I tried
I was 3 badges from eagle
turned 18 and could not complete it
there are free online converters
heartbreak ridge
hippies? there havn't been any hippies around here in 20 years. have you been freeze dried?
swedgin white cok suker
my pigs know no color
Gilbert Gottfried - Best joke of all time
The Monkey Joke
that was a quote from heartbreak ridge
Comic Relief - The Interview (1986)
and gives you a rebate on your life
Lord and Lady Douchebag - SNL