I had seen some of those before, how weird is it they turn to look at something? With one guy swatting something. 5G Killswitch or demonic dimensional entity? Crazy
I might be late to the party onCrazy Russian HackerBut he is an Amazing Sales pitch guy, Very Upbeat and happy guy, funny as anything. Check him out and see what he's about
Better than Ken Wigger and his stale boomer videos, I guess they have a place to learn but Check out Amazing Gadget
This is a good one too
Does he have one attached and one detached earlobe? In the interview you can see his left earlobe detached when they show the pic of him talking to Xi his right it attached. Different actors? I can see why Old Senator Biden looks different because maybe I am on a different timeline.
YES Because a Book written by Men Most (OT) Before I was born and the rest (NT)After I died says so. Not to mention it was Edited WAY After that and a Group of Deep State Actors decided what to put in and what to keep out. The important stuff was kept out to keep people from Truly experiencing Enlightenment ans Ascension, Sorry Just The Truth. By The Way if you are lucky and can figure it out you will meet me, not to disappoint you, I actually AM From Space. So PleaseSTOP LIMITING ME AND MY FATHER GOD TO A FUCKING COMICAL BOOKThe Editors (jews) Know the Truth and LAUGH At you, they call you Cattle and mutilate your children right in front of you Because you are trapped in the little tiny one volume book and CANNOT Even Fathom that there is MORE to it.
So in the end it is just a Huge Skin Tag? Can they take the nervs and blood supply to the clitoris and reroute it? The clit gets bigger and fills with blood right? or is that the period?
Tee Hee
Check the evil. UGh I dont want to edit with this but if Any ANons can stomach it put this body under Hunters face? a GIF of hunter playing with it? OR an Elephant face showing the Republican Rino party?
PIC 1 reminds me of the No Name coming out of his daughters Humpback
Didn't Trump have his own cameras running? I would love to see the behind the scene or B roll they recorded