Fuck off satanist, address what you see.
Address what you see, satanist.
People 'operate' as individuals, satanist.
We see you, satanist.
You're using the same clown meme with different words too kek
>Your God
Kek, it's not 'mine', it's everyone's.
Address what you see, satanist.
You do not control the dialogue here.
You're projecting your own worship of 'Satan' as the only 'permitted god' you sick satanist.
It's what they believe.
You flip flopping between one or the other side of your own two sided dialectic, has no bearing on anyone or anything other than your own sick, twisted 'self-alienated' mind, satanist.
>Satanist Jew
That's you cowardly satanists trying to use Jews as human shields.
Tick tock
Why are you asking me?