Anonymous ID: 78bf84 June 14, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.1754663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4684

Former Pro Bowl tight end Kellen Winslow Jr. arrested for 'rape, forced sodomy, and kidnapping' one week after he was nabbed for 'burglarizing a mobile home park'



Anonymous ID: 78bf84 June 14, 2018, 8:43 p.m. No.1754674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4680 >>4897

The Jerry Springer Show 'stops production' amid speculation series is to end after 27 years



Anonymous ID: 78bf84 June 14, 2018, 8:44 p.m. No.1754682   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hazardous' white powder is found in the hold of an American Airlines plane at Sydney Airport



Anonymous ID: 78bf84 June 14, 2018, 8:48 p.m. No.1754735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4762 >>4866

There is f***ing no one else!' Democrats frustrated with shallow bench beg Obama to return from the sidelines and argue Bill Clinton is 'toxic' and Jimmy Carter is 'too old’

While Barack Obama has been holding secret meetings with potential 2020 challengers to Donald Trump and fundraising for Democratic candidates ahead of midterm elections, some of his backers aren't satisfied with his lead as of late.

Left-wing strategists, supporters and aides to the former US president are urging Obama to return from the sidelines and take on a stronger role in the midterm election fight.

A political strategist told The Hill this week: 'There’s f—ing no one else… Bill Clinton is toxic, Carter is too old, and there’s no one else around for miles.

'The desire among Democrats for Obama to take a more leading role in the midterm fight and party building in general is just getting stronger, particularly with the lack of alternatives.'

Trump's predecessor's political group, Organizing for Action, has been actively working to create the anticipated outcome of a 'blue wave' for midterm elections in early November.

The group, erected during Obama's campaign operation, said in a statement they aim to defeat Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, elect a Democrat to succeed House Speaker Paul Ryan and flip control of the state Senate,' according to the Associated Press.

The nonprofit organization has targeted 27 House races since the beginning of the year.

Although the organization is Obama-led - he doesn't hold an official title - as the group is largely run by aides and strategists.

While speaking to The Hill, one Obama bundler said the former president has been too quiet during a time of need for the Democratic party.

'There are a lot of people who think he’s played too little a role or almost no role in endorsing or fundraising and he’s done jack shit in getting people to donate to the party,' the individual said.

A former Obama aide added: 'He always wanted to help, without a doubt. He cares tremendously about our country and our party.

'But I think he always intended to be a little more on the sidelines than he’s been. I think he realizes he is needed and needed badly.'

Obama, recently, has been hosting top-secret meetings with as many as nine potential presidential candidates.

The sessions have been held in Obama's personal office located on the third floor of the World Wildlife Fund building in Washington D.C., Politico reported.

The would-be contenders got one-on-one talks with the former commander-in-chief.



Anonymous ID: 78bf84 June 14, 2018, 8:56 p.m. No.1754817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4836

……….The Arab world is following the progress of the Trump-Kim summit closely, because the Arabs see it as a promo for what is going to happen to US-Iran relations. Clearly, if Trump manages to persuade or force Kim to really give up his nuclear project, there is going to be a tweet one minute later declaring his intention to do the same to Iran regarding its nuclear and missile-rich aspirations.


UN Secretary General António Guterres has already announced, to Iran's chagrin, that the goal of the Trump-Kim summit must be convincing North Korea to give up its nuclear project.


In our region, the Middle East, people keep asking: Does Trump want to meet with Khamenei? What will they talk about? Do they have anything at all in common? Even if they reach an agreement on the issues over which they disagree, can they possibly develop any interpersonal chemistry? Would there be enough mutual trust between them to believe that any agreements they reach are based on both sides' genuine intentions? Or will Trump and Khamenei's natural distrust prevent their achieving any understandings or agreements? Does the Ayatollahs' feeling of superiority at being "true believers" allow them to accept Trump, the Christian whose daughter converted to Judaism, who recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish people and moved his embassy there – as a legitimate negotiating partner?


Above all, the most important questions are: If Trump and Kim reach a real agreement on dismantling North Korea's nuclear weapons and missiles, how much will this strengthen Trump's determination to force a similar agreement on the Iranians? How much influence will any kind of agreement signed between Trump and Kim have on Iranian intransigence? How much success will Trump have in forcing the Iranians to cease interfering in the affairs of other countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates? Can Trump significantly lower the level of Iranian anti-Israel rhetoric? Will Trump attempt to forge a connection between regional and international issues and those dealing with human rights and political liberty in Iran? And if he does try, will he succeed?


It seems too early to answer these questions after one summit meeting. We have no idea what is going to happen between the US and North Korea during the period following the historic meeting of the two leaders. The coming weeks will see various advisors and officials of both sides spending long hours trying to formulate a statement committing both sides to the agreements and understandings their leaders reached in Singapore. As we all know, "the devil is in the details," and writing down oral understanding in an agreement in which every word is significant, can turn out to be a very difficult, lengthy and exhausting process, one that may very well make both sides realize that a clear and binding agreement is beyond their reach at this point.


The Iranians are awaiting future developments with bated breath. They know that what happens between Trump and Kim will have discernible influence on what happens between Washington and Qom.

