Regarding: >>1751525
(pic is thumbnail screencap)
To the anon who posted this video. I have decades of experience with video production and technique. This is an excellent first cut - you have done a great job.
I could opine about a very long list of suggestions to make this better, but instead, I will give just one sylistic suggestion, one technical correction and then a suggestion for everyone else:
Style: Ditch the caption effect where the letters fade in. It distracts from the viewer's ability to read the captions. A simple fade-in will work much better and give the viewer more mental energy to read the content (which is excellent.)
Technical: There are 35,000+ sealed court actions - these are not all indictments. Some are search warrants, arrest warrants, etc. It is very important to be technically correct with our assertions to the public because every mis-step here will be used to discredit what we are doing.
Everyone else: It doesn't matter if you're the best at making these productions. This kind of media will go VERY FAR in helping as many people as possible achieve their own Great Awakening.
Once again: Excellent job, anon.